hi, heres the results
BMR 1691
TDEE 2621
entered my details into fit day which results would you like me to put up?
Hey 3J,
I'm actually a full time college student. I spend 5 days from 7-6 at college. The reason for the 1.72 is that we have a huge campus and I have to do ALOt of walking and I think thats one reason my legs dont have much fat on them.
I workout 5 days on and 2 days off for about 90 minutes
As for cardio I run for 1 minute and walk foe 3 and do that for 20 minutes 3 times a week.
Also I don't know if this counts but I do ALOT of studying lol and sometimes I'm sleep deprived. I was thinking about doing carb cycling like 4 days high and 3 days low. Let me know what your opinion is.
Here's my results from fit day,I'm not sure if these readings are correct as it says 30g fat from 2 chicken breasts which isn't right so I left it as it is
Cals 2100
Pro 220 31%
Carb 241 35%
Fat 93 31%
how long have you been on this diet??Hi 3J,
Thanks for the help mate, really appriciate it.
Details are:
Age: 24
Weight: 89kg or 195.8lbs
Height: 186cm or 6'1
Body Fat: 19%
Goals: Im striving to get below 10% bf and have a toned and ripped looking physique. Once I have reached 10% i will re-adjust my goals so something more specific. Around 78-80kg and 8-10% bf would be great.
BMR: 1927.14
TDEE: 2987
Standard Daily meal Plan:
When I wake up: 1 x mutlivitamin tablet
1 x Fish oil tablet
eat breakfast... look at my sample cutter..
Post Workout: Protein Shake 33.7/0.92/0.22/140
add carbs
Breakfast: 3 x whole eggs 16.2/1.7/16.1/220.4
3 x egg whites 10.7/0.72/0.17/51.3
1 x slice smoked turkey 3.9/0/1.4/29.1
much beter
Snack: 1 x For'me Yoghurt 7/9.5/0.2/69
ur a grown man, there are no snacks, just meals
Lunch: 1 x chicken breast 57.9/0/15.1/382.9
Curry Paste 0/2/0/10
Dinner:1 x chicken breast 57.9/0/15.1/382.9
Curry Paste 0/2/0/10
Daily totals: 187.3 pro / 16.84 carb / 48.29 fat / 1285.6 cal
Workout Regime:
Mountain Climber 3 x 30 seconds
Single Leg Hip Raise 3 x 12 reps
Dumbbell Row 3 x 12 reps
Dumbbell Squat 3 x 12 reps
Push-up and Row 3 x 12 reps
Countdown (Start with 10 down to 0)
Body-weight Jump Squat
Explosive Push-up
20 minute Abdominal Workout
10 minutes of Skipping
Plank 3 x 30 seconds
Single-Leg Bench Getup 3 x 12 reps
Lat Pulldown 3 x 12 reps
Dumbbell Deadlift 3 x 12 reps
Scaption and Shrug 3 x 12 reps
Countdown (Start with 10 down to 0)
Body-weight Jump Squat
Explosive Push-up
20 minute Abdominal Workout
10 minutes of Skipping
Mountain Climber 3 x 30 seconds
Single Leg Hip Raise 3 x 12 reps
Dumbbell Row 3 x 12 reps
Dumbbell Squat 3 x 12 reps
Push-up and Row 3 x 12 reps
Countdown (Start with 10 down to 0)
Body-weight Jump Squat
Explosive Push-up
20 minute Abdominal Workout
10 minutes of Skipping
3km run at 65%
Rest Day
Hopefully that gives you all the info you need mate. Once again appreciate what you do on here.
1. salad anyone??? add 3 of them... broccoli.. greens.. spinach.. u get the pointage 31
weight 79.1kg 172 pounds
height 5ft 11
bf 10.8% Measure at my gym. 2 electrodes on my right foot and 2 on my right hand. Prob to low as I cant see my abs.
Goals.. Lean muscle growth and see my abs again. Not looking to be a 280 pound monster just some good muscle size and be cut.
BMR formula #1 (if you bf is high, use this one... you need an accurate bf reading)
BMR (men and women) = 370 + (21.6 X 69.7 lean mass in kg) = 1875.5
BMR formula #2 (only to be used if your bf is low)
Men: BMR = 66 + ( 6.23 x 172.18 weight in pounds ) + ( 12.7 x 71 height in inches ) - ( 6.8 x 31 age in year ) 1830
Not sure if 10.8% is high or low. I've used the high BMR results for TDEE.
Monday only no training as I play football for 1 hour at 6pm. Workout 4pm Chest and triceps or Back and Biceps(a little stomach) or Shoulders or legs. I cycle to the gym prob twice a week so guessed 1.375
If you are lightly active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/week) : Calorie-Calculation = BMR 1875.5 x 1.375 = 2579
u do football for an hr and u workout and u think that's light? 1.6 = 3000 tdee
MEAL 1......Cals/ Carbs/ Protein/ fat/
Egg white...104.0/ 0.0/ 21.8/ 0.0
Milk...........122.5/ 12.5/ 8.5 /4.3
Oats..........184.0 /31.0 /5.5 /4.0
up your carbs to 50g
Total..........410.5 /43.5 /35.8 /8.3
make sure that milk is skim or 1%
MEAL 2.............Cals/ Carbs/ Protein /fat
Chicken breast....138.0/ 0.0/ 30.7/ 1.7
Cottage cheese...75.0 /4.6/ 10.8/ 1.5
Cous cous..........150.0/ 27.9/ 5.5 /1.4
i love me some cous cous.. up your carbs to 50g
Total.................363.0/ 32.5/ 47.0/ 4.6
MEAL 3...............Cals /Carbs/ Protein/ fat
Chicken breast......138.0/ 0.0/ 30.7 /1.7
Sweet potatoes ....184.0/ 42.0/ 2.4 /0.6
Cottage cheese.....75.0/ 4.6/ 10.8/ 1.5
Total....................397.0/ 46.6/ 43.9/ 3.8
MEAL 4.............Cals/ Carbs/ Protein/ fat
Chicken breast....138.0 /0.0 /30.7 /1.7
Cottage cheese...75.0/ 4.6/ 10.8 /1.5
Cous Cous..........150.0/ 27.9/ 5.5 /1.4
up your carbs
Total.................363.0/ 32.5/ 47.0 /4.6
PWO...............Cals/ Carbs/ Protein/ fat
Whey Protein....239.7 3.7 50.0 4.3
Maltodextrin.....190.0 47.0 0.0 0.0
Dextrose .........181.0 45.5 0.0 0.0
there's no need for 100g of carbs pwo.. just pick one.. either maltodextrin or dextrose
Total...............610.7 96.2 50.0 4.3
MEAL 5...............Cals/ Carbs/ Protein /fat
Chicken breast.....138.0/ 0.0/ 30.7/ 1.7
Olive oil...............135.0/ 0.0/ 0.0 /15.0
Cottage cheese....112.5 /6.9/ 16.2 /2.3
Total..................385.5/ 6.9/ 46.9/ 19.0
MEAL 6......Cals/ Carbs/ Protein/ fat
Beef..........240.0 /0.8/ 52.4 3.0
Almonds.....189.0/ 2.0/ 7.6 /16.7
Total.........429.0/ 2.7/ 60.0 /19.7
.....................Cals/Carbs/ Protein/ fat
Total grams..............261/ 361/ 66
Total cals.......3097/ 1043/ 1445/ 527
% Cals..............35/ 48/ /17
Welter said not to mix fat and carb meal so I removed the whole egg from breakfast. Is this ok?
welter had the right idea.. but the aspect of the ideology is not to mix high fats with with high carbs.. so the one whole egg in the morning is ok..
Also on none training days I dont have the shake so im 610 cals down. Should I take this on none training days?
Age- 36
Weight- 280 lbs
Goal- Lose BF- 240 LBS
I gained 40 lbs last year, and need to get the weight back off. I have been on synthroid for 2 months. My blood pressure is up, and my joints are killing me! I love to train, but I have terrible recovery ability. I have been eating pretty much the same for quite a while, and my weight basically only changes when I am dehydrated.
BMR- 2422
I train twice a day pretty intensely.
TDEE= 1.9 X 2422= 4601
630 am- Breakfast
3/4 cup Buckwheat Pancake mix
1/2 cup Egg Beaters
Sugar Free Syrup
2- Diet Mt Dews
Cals-403/ 24p/ 2.8f/ 68.4c
900am-1030am- Circuit Training, Skill Practice, Short Distance Sprints
1045am- PWO
Smoothie King Smoothie
Cals-837/ 37.7p/ 14f/ 134c
1230PM- Lunch
(2) Grilled Chicken Sandwiches on Wheat
Chicago Style Veggies
Cals-535/ 57.6p/ 10.1f/ 53.3c
2 cups Uncle Ben's Brown Rice in bag
Can of Tuna(6.5 oz)
Cals-615/ 50.8p/ 4.8f/ 88.9c
4pm-6pm- Skill Practice, Interval Drills
7 pm- PWO Meal
6 oz 93% Lean Ground Beef
½ cup Tomato Sauce
1.5 cups Wheat Pasta
Cals-535/ 50.7p/ 9f/ 63c
Usually lay down by 9pm, and sleeping by 1030-pm
Total Cals- 2925/ 220.8p/ 40.7f/ 407.6
Any feedback is appreciated.
ok you workout twice a day.. spell it out for me..
Age- 36
Weight- 280 lbs
Goal- Lose BF- 240 LBS
I gained 40 lbs last year, and need to get the weight back off. I have been on synthroid for 2 months. My blood pressure is up, and my joints are killing me! I love to train, but I have terrible recovery ability. I have been eating pretty much the same for quite a while, and my weight basically only changes when I am dehydrated.
BMR- 2422
I train twice a day pretty intensely.
TDEE= 1.9 X 2422= 4601
630 am- Breakfast
3/4 cup Buckwheat Pancake mix
1/2 cup Egg Beaters
Sugar Free Syrup
2- Diet Mt Dews
Cals-403/ 24p/ 2.8f/ 68.4c
buckwheat pancake mix?? 24g prrotein?? mountain dew diet??? drop all this.. do 2 eggs 8 whites.. 1 cup oats.. sugar alcohols dont let ur body absorb correctly and dehydrate you... drop it.. your about to have a big workout.. 50g protein and 50g carbs minimum.. so do whats said
900am-1030am- Circuit Training, Skill Practice, Short Distance Sprints
1045am- PWO
Smoothie King Smoothie
Cals-837/ 37.7p/ 14f/ 134c
crap... drop all this for a normal shake and a whole white bagel.. white rice.. white pasta.. u get the idea
1230PM- Lunch
(2) Grilled Chicken Sandwiches on Wheat
Chicago Style Veggies
Cals-535/ 57.6p/ 10.1f/ 53.3c
2 cups Uncle Ben's Brown Rice in bag
Can of Tuna(6.5 oz)
Cals-615/ 50.8p/ 4.8f/ 88.9c
4pm-6pm- Skill Practice, Interval Drills
7 pm- PWO Meal
6 oz 93% Lean Ground Beef
½ cup Tomato Sauce
1.5 cups Wheat Pasta
Cals-535/ 50.7p/ 9f/ 63c
do a shake here.. and eat the gound beef an hour after.. do the pasta with the shake
Usually lay down by 9pm, and sleeping by 1030-pm
Total Cals- 2925/ 220.8p/ 40.7f/ 407.6
Any feedback is appreciated.
make the changes and lets see where ur macros are.. ill more then likely have to add calories
there are few alternatives to eggs in the morning...630am- Breakfast
1 cup Oat Meal
2 Eggs, 8 Whites
Cals- 575/ 52.1p/ 57.2c/ 15.8f
I had the oatmeal this morning and 2 whole eggs. I hate eating this many eggs(taste wise)but....... I will do as stated
1045am- PWO
2 Scoops Whey
1- Large White Bagel
Cals-597/ 53.1p/ 7.1f/ 76.2c
Had the bagel after my workout today with 8 oz of sliced chicken. Will do the shake tomorrow
1230PM- Lunch
(2) Grilled Chicken Sandwiches on Wheat
Chicago Style Veggies
Cals-535/ 53.1p/ 7.1f/ 76.2c
2 cups Uncle Ben's Brown Rice in bag
Can of Tuna(6.5 oz)
Cals-615/ 50.8p/ 4.8f/ 88.9c
7 pm- PWO Meal
2 Scoops Whey
1.5 cups Wheat Pasta
Cals-519/ 51p/ 6f/ 65.4c
830pm- Last Meal
8 oz 93% Lean Ground Beef
Cals-273/ 48p/ 9f/ 0c
Total 2499/262p/48.1f/ 252.1c
42%- Protein, 40% Carbs, 17% Fat
I have eaten several apples and a container of almonds over the weekend. Can I eat these? When?