Free Diet Advice from 3J

No it was covered under my medical, but the guy was jacked, I figured his advice was G2G, and it helped me lose the last 10lbs, and get over binge eating.

Would this be more suitable for a 6 meal a day

200cal's from Protein, 300cal's from Carbs for the first 4 meals.

200cal's from Protein, 300cal's from Fat for the last 2?

Also would it matter in what order I ate the meals, when I am working I would be working out at night, so my last 2 meals would have to include carbs.

that would be a 40/40/20 at 3000 cal's.

I'm more concerned about my recent loses in my lifts and lack of recovery.

Yes, those are much better splits. I try to get equal splits of carbs/pro but the ones you posted are fine.

That works out to
300g Protein
300g Carbs
67g Fat

And yes it does matter when you have your meals. You're going to want carbs pre/post regardless of when in the day you lift.

If you work out late then make meal 3 and 4 your pro/fat meals.

As far as why your lifts went down.......Many people say rest a week and come back and your lifts will go up. Mine ALWAYS go down for a few days when i take a week or so off.

It could also be your body is starving for energy/carbs and your just lethargic. When i do keto I am ALWAYS lethargic and weaker the first 2 weeks of keto.

BTW: If your TDEE is right at 2832 you're going to want to increase your cals a little higher than 3000 to bulk. Try to eat "roughly" 500 over maintenance.
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Yes, those are much better splits. I try to get equal splits of carbs/pro but the ones you posted are fine.

That works out to
300g Protein
300g Carbs
67g Fat

And yes it does matter when you have your meals. You're going to want carbs pre/post regardless of when in the day you lift.

If you work out late then make meal 3 and 4 your pro/fat meals.

As far as why your lifts went down.......Many people say rest a week and come back and your lifts will go up. Mine ALWAYS go down for a few days when i take a week or so off.

It could also be your body is starving for energy/carbs and your just lethargic. When i do keto I am ALWAYS lethargic and weaker the first 2 weeks of keto.

BTW: If your TDEE is right at 2832 you're going to want to increase your cals a little higher than 3000 to bulk. Try to eat "roughly" 500 over maintenance.

great post welt
if neither i nor welter has gotten to u please let me know the post number and ill get to you.. thanks!
Yes, those are much better splits. I try to get equal splits of carbs/pro but the ones you posted are fine.

That works out to
300g Protein
300g Carbs
67g Fat

And yes it does matter when you have your meals. You're going to want carbs pre/post regardless of when in the day you lift.

If you work out late then make meal 3 and 4 your pro/fat meals.

As far as why your lifts went down.......Many people say rest a week and come back and your lifts will go up. Mine ALWAYS go down for a few days when i take a week or so off.

It could also be your body is starving for energy/carbs and your just lethargic. When i do keto I am ALWAYS lethargic and weaker the first 2 weeks of keto.

BTW: If your TDEE is right at 2832 you're going to want to increase your cals a little higher than 3000 to bulk. Try to eat "roughly" 500 over maintenance.

Thank you both for your helpful advice. And thank you, I will try to get my fat contained meals as late in the day as I can. I'm aware that 3000 isn't much over my TDEE, Since this is my first time trying to gain weight i'm slowly working my way up. Once I return to work I'm sure I"ll have to be eating more like 3400-3600 to gain.

Cheers guys.
Thank you both for your helpful advice. And thank you, I will try to get my fat contained meals as late in the day as I can. I'm aware that 3000 isn't much over my TDEE, Since this is my first time trying to gain weight i'm slowly working my way up. Once I return to work I'm sure I"ll have to be eating more like 3400-3600 to gain.

Cheers guys.

Good luck, just remember if your only eating 120cals over maintenance it will take a little over 1 month to gain 1LB. *IF* that is in fact what you want to do, go for it but just dont get discouraged. It will be a very slow progression.

Also, not saying your one of them because you seem to be pretty on the ball. Guys have a tendency to underestimate what they truly eat. I suggest spending a day writing down every single thing you eat including the olive oil or butter or whatever you use to cook your food in. Otherwise you're really flying blind.

BTW: I don't suggest butter :D even though it tastes good
Good luck, just remember if your only eating 120cals over maintenance it will take a little over 1 month to gain 1LB. *IF* that is in fact what you want to do, go for it but just dont get discouraged. It will be a very slow progression.

Also, not saying your one of them because you seem to be pretty on the ball. Guys have a tendency to underestimate what they truly eat. I suggest spending a day writing down every single thing you eat including the olive oil or butter or whatever you use to cook your food in. Otherwise you're really flying blind.

BTW: I don't suggest butter :D even though it tastes good

lol nope only coconut oil and olive oil for me, I do miss butter dearly tough :(

I weight everything to the gram, and enter it in to fitday. It actually bothers me to eat somethings with out weighting it first and tracking it, witch prevents me from eating out a lot, but thats bittersweet.
cant gain strength and muscle without protein and carbs...

Hey 3J,

I've been trying to increase my cals over time and to be honest my body seems to be rejecting it. I get too full. I know people think pregnancy is a time to be able to eat what you like which is how a lot of women gain excess weight, but because I've had the sickness for a long time, my stomach must've shrunk somewhat so the meal frequency and amount doesn't sit kindly with me.

Also the calories are higher than normal for me, I'm normally around 16-1800. And it's widely accepted that pregnant women only need 300 calories above normal.

Although my activity is somewhat high - when I'm able - none if it is geared towards growth, just strength. I don't lift weights anymore and all my training is full body in the sense that I need to be able to balance my bodyweight in motion. Or lift my legs and core up and down while supporting my weight on my hands.

I do think that the protein is too high, I wasn't eating that much before.. Only when I was bulking for my figure show a few years back. Do you think there's a way to modify the diet? Especially because my body doesn't like the amount of food. I was on about 120g protein a day before and about 200g carbs. My strength levels were great.

Thanks again though 3J much appreciated ;o))
Hey 3J,

I've been trying to increase my cals over time and to be honest my body seems to be rejecting it. I get too full. I know people think pregnancy is a time to be able to eat what you like which is how a lot of women gain excess weight, but because I've had the sickness for a long time, my stomach must've shrunk somewhat so the meal frequency and amount doesn't sit kindly with me.

Also the calories are higher than normal for me, I'm normally around 16-1800. And it's widely accepted that pregnant women only need 300 calories above normal.

Although my activity is somewhat high - when I'm able - none if it is geared towards growth, just strength. I don't lift weights anymore and all my training is full body in the sense that I need to be able to balance my bodyweight in motion. Or lift my legs and core up and down while supporting my weight on my hands.
i was under the impression u wanted to gain strength.. gaining strength usually means lifting weights.. even if its push ups...
I do think that the protein is too high, I wasn't eating that much before.. Only when I was bulking for my figure show a few years back. Do you think there's a way to modify the diet? Especially because my body doesn't like the amount of food. I was on about 120g protein a day before and about 200g carbs. My strength levels were great.

Thanks again though 3J much appreciated ;o))

if your body doesn't like that amount of food then dont do it.. i gave u the advice i saw fit for your needs..

alot of people have come to me with that ideology... "its too much food" well that's cuz u havn't been eating enough this whole time..

at least not enough for the goals of strength gain...

we can modify the diet.. but u need to get specific about what your goals are.. cuz we seemed to have some sort of miscommunication..

hope the baby is doing well :)
Hey 3J,

I am currently trying to clean bulk as my body loves to store fat during a bulk.
Stats are:
91kg, 15% bodyfat, 6'4' tall.
Lifting heavy 3 times a week and 1 day a week core workouts.

I have my diet in a spreadsheet so to make it easy to view I uploaded it as a picture for you. <--- Just copy into your browser unless someone can embed it for me... its being weird.

Anything I should change?

if u want a critique i recommend u write out ur diet so it can be worked with
No miscommunication, strength gain or rather strength regain is what I'm after. I lost strength due to the constant morning, afternoon and evening sickness, but before that was fine. Before I got pregnant I wasn't eating that much food and was able to do the skills a lot easier, for gymnastics and contortion especially at my age when my centre of gravity is higher getting too heavy would be harder to control your body and it's movements. It's not the same as lifting weights, although I do body conditioning like push ups and pull ups, v ups and squats, it's all body weight and not a lot of reps and sets.

It's the skills that I repeat over and over and it's hard to describe but the strength aspect is different and short lived, more about control, power and range of movement for the real bendy stuff :o)

I know my situation is unique, and I see where you're coming from and I understand your reasoning...totally!

I am trying though, I still am being sick and it sucks because I'm half way in the pregnancy, dr says it's a sign of a strong one. Baby is great, constant mover just like my girl was and she's a dynamo!!

if your body doesn't like that amount of food then dont do it.. i gave u the advice i saw fit for your needs..

alot of people have come to me with that ideology... "its too much food" well that's cuz u havn't been eating enough this whole time..

at least not enough for the goals of strength gain...

we can modify the diet.. but u need to get specific about what your goals are.. cuz we seemed to have some sort of miscommunication..

hope the baby is doing well :)
No miscommunication, strength gain or rather strength regain is what I'm after. I lost strength due to the constant morning, afternoon and evening sickness, but before that was fine. Before I got pregnant I wasn't eating that much food and was able to do the skills a lot easier, for gymnastics and contortion especially at my age when my centre of gravity is higher getting too heavy would be harder to control your body and it's movements. It's not the same as lifting weights, although I do body conditioning like push ups and pull ups, v ups and squats, it's all body weight and not a lot of reps and sets.

It's the skills that I repeat over and over and it's hard to describe but the strength aspect is different and short lived, more about control, power and range of movement for the real bendy stuff :o)

I know my situation is unique, and I see where you're coming from and I understand your reasoning...totally!

I am trying though, I still am being sick and it sucks because I'm half way in the pregnancy, dr says it's a sign of a strong one. Baby is great, constant mover just like my girl was and she's a dynamo!!

well shoot.. where would u feel comfortable when it comes down to ur intake... lets focus less on the amount and focus more on the quality and timing of what ur eating when... thats just as important.. and would prob still help your goals out
That sounds easier, quality sounds easier than quantity :o

So I guess by timings you would put breakfast, pre and post workout as the main windows right? I mean I would..

The real issue I'm having lately is being sick afternoons and even post workout so I get hungrier in the evenings and that's when I eat more food because I can stomach it better...not always certain to stay down. But all I can do is try! Will keep you posted.

Btw, my strength has increased a little after trying to adopt your approach so although not perfect definitely better - thank you

well shoot.. where would u feel comfortable when it comes down to ur intake... lets focus less on the amount and focus more on the quality and timing of what ur eating when... thats just as important.. and would prob still help your goals out
Heya 3j
i've seen you recommend but some of their numbers seem a little off

example: 6oz cooked chicken breast = 13.1g of fat? that's like double of what i thought
Heya 3j
i've seen you recommend but some of their numbers seem a little off

example: 6oz cooked chicken breast = 13.1g of fat? that's like double of what i thought

That's not right. Are you sure you're not looking at it with the skin? That would be probably accurate with skin. W/O skin 8oz is about 8g F it should be about 1g per oz.
Your food choices are pretty good but you need to post macros to see if they work. (Original post #1210)

Dude..........Add a leg day ;)

Thanks for the feedback Welter. I have added a legs day :)

I'll get a pic to 3J. I cant see my abs so prob higher than %10.8. I have revised the foods slights and done the macros.

Meal 1 7.00 am Cals Carbs Protein fat
Whole eggs 50 74 0 6 5
Egg white 200 104 0 22 0
Milk 300 147 15 10 5
Oats 50 184 31 6 4
Total 509 46 44 15

Meal 2 9.30 am Cals Carbs Protein fat
Chicken breast 120 166 0 37 2
Brown Rice 70 245 52 5 2
Total 411 52 42 4

Meal 3 12.30 pm Cals Carbs Protein fat
Chicken breast 120 166 0 37 2
Sweet potatoes 200 184 42 2 1
Cottage cheese 100 75 5 11 2
Total 425 47 50 4

Meal 4 3.30 pm Cals Carbs Protein fat
Chicken breast 120 166 0 37 2
Brown Rice 70 245 52 5 2
Total 411 52 42 4

PWO 6.30 pm Cals Carbs Protein fat
Whey shake 70 263 5 60 2
Banana 180 160 41 2 1
Total 423 46 62 3

Meal 5 7.30 pm Cals Carbs Protein fat
Chicken breast 120 166 0 37 2
Flaxseed oil 15 135 0 0 15
Cottage cheese 150 113 7 16 2
Total 413 7 53 19

Meal 6 10.00 pm Cals Carbs Protein fat
Beef 150 240 1 52 3
Almonds 30 189 2 8 17
Total 429 3 60 20

Cals Carbs Protein fat
Day Total 3020 252 352 68

Below is a pic of the macros alligned tidy
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Heya 3j
i've seen you recommend but some of their numbers seem a little off

example: 6oz cooked chicken breast = 13.1g of fat? that's like double of what i thought

yea some jackass screwed up on it.. iv noticed it too.. im looking for an alternative website...
That's not right. Are you sure you're not looking at it with the skin? That would be probably accurate with skin. W/O skin 8oz is about 8g F it should be about 1g per oz.

im getting the feeling who ever did these macros might have added the cooking oil averages??? i dunno...