20 years old
I really don’t know my BF…
pm me a picture
I want to get up to 205 lbs with a low bodyfat of course this is my long-term goal.
My short-term goal is to get a firm 185lbs.
I workout 5 to 6 times a week (Pec-tri, Back-bi, Legs, bi-tri, off, shoulders, back, repeat something out like this, I am currently hitting my back more since im lacking of it)
so you wanna focus on your back.. gotcha
I cannot calculate my BMR since I don’t know my bf, I guess its around 14% ?
For my TDEE I’d say between moderately and very active…
Meal 1 cal/fat/carb/pro
3 large eggs 210/15/3/18
½ cup egg whites 60/0/0/14
250 ml 0% milk 90/0/13/9
100g yogurt 35/0/6/3
2 slices of bread 200/4/32/10
1 caps fish oil 10/1/0/0
Meal 2
50g almonds 320/26/10/10
1 apple (100g) 41/0,1/13/0,5
2 envelope instant oatmeal: 300/3/60/8
Meal 3 (PWO)
1,5 scoop Myofusion 220,5/4,5/7,5/37,5
ok.. i would put carbs here
Meal 4
8 oz lean horse (no idea I buy it from a farmer)
½ cucumber, 1 whole tomato, 85g carrots: 87/0,3/22,9/4
Brown rice : 330/3/69/9
wonder how that tastes. lol
Meal 5
8oz lean beef 400/17/0/60
Throw in some random vegetables: 100/0,5/30/5
V8 drink: 50/0/11/2
Brown pasta : 310/2/60/11
1 caps fish oil 10/1/0/0
Meal 6
250 ml 0% milk 90/0/13/9
90g some cheese 240/15/3/21
1 can light tuna 120/0/0/30
1table spoon Pb : 100/8/4/3
Total cals : 3323,50 + lean horse let’s say 290 cals : 3613,50 !
Fats : 100,4 g + lean horse let’s say 9g : 109,4g !
Carbs : 357,4 g + lean horse let’s say 5g : 362,4g !
Prots : 264 + lean horse let’s say 46,2g : 310,2g !