Free Diet Advice from 3J

Age: 32
weight: 185
height: 5'8
bf: 20%
Goals BF=15%

Started 3 years ago at 135lbs. Bulked for 3 years and am now at 185lbs(Before/After Pics attached)
Have finally bulked enough where I feel comfortable doing a cut. Would like to be 170lbs without losing a ton of muscle, thats always been my fear since I have spent so much time, money, effort getting this big.

Current Diet:

P28 Bread(2 slices)
4 eggs(whole)

ON Whey Shake
Peanut Butter
Steel Cut Oats

Chicken Breast
Brown Rice
Steamed Veggies

Leftovers from night before, usually:
Chicken, potatoes, veggies

P28 Bread(2 slices)

Dinner, Fish/Ground Turkey/Chicken
Potato or rice


I am pretty strict to my diets. I dont eat red meat or pork. No pops, juices,etc. Just water or tea/coffee. I lift 5 days a week religiously, but not much cardio right now. Will do cardio as I should when I start to cut. Not sure how many days yet, hope to find that out and do my cut diet/workout to the T. Thanks in advance for the info, this has been my biggest question on how to attack this. View attachment 547824View attachment 547825
210 lbs
22% bf

Just came off a 4 month bulk and my plan is to start cutting this coming Monday.
My goal is to lose 10% which is about 20 lbs over the next 20 weeks.
I'll be cutting 500 - 600 calories from diet each day. I wont be in the gym for the first 7 days due to an injury so you wont see any pre or post work out meals. When I start training I will incorporate some whey for post workout and have more carbs closer to my work out times. My TDEE is 3221 cals when im working out, but my first week the calories will around 2600.


Meal 1
1 Whole grain bagel
6 egg whites hard boiled
1 whole egg hard boiled
TOTAL 38/47/7.5/419

Meal 2
100g Chicken Breast
180g Basmati rice
TOTAL 36/41/4.2/357

Meal 3
120g Tilapia
7 oz sweet potato
Steamed veggies
TOTAL 35/40/3.2/333

Meal 4
120 gTilapia
180 g Basmati rice
steamed veggies
TOTAL 36/41/3.8/346

Meal 5
100g Chicken Breast
7 oz sweet potato
Steamed veggies
TOTAL 35/40/3.6/344

Meal 6
4oz sirlion tip
Basmati rice
TOTAL 39/41/.6/400

Meal 7
200 g salmon
TOTAL 44/0/24/414

Grand Totals 263/250/53.5/2610

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I am want to get to 12-15% BF, preferably 12%.

My work out and cardio is;

Mon-amcardio(30mins fast walk)
Chest Day 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Tues-Leg Day 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Wed-am cardio(30mins fast walk)
Shoulders 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Thurs-Back day 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Fri-am cardio(30 mins fast walk)
Arms and Tris 4 sets of 10-12 reps



Morning: pro/carb/fat/cal
2 large whole eggs-12/0/90/140
1/2 cup oats-5/27/3/150

Mid Morning:
2oz almonds-12/12/28/320

6oz chicken breast-33/0/4/177
1/2 cup Green beans-less than a gram/4/0/20
1/2 cup of green beans-5/40/2/170

Mid Afternoon
2oz Almonds
1/2 cup of brown rice

WHEY PROTEIN SHAKE 40 grams of protein

6oz chicken breats
1/2 cup of green beans.

This is my current diet and workout routine. As I stated earlier I am trying to get to 12-15% bodyfat. Can you help me/ By the way I also drink a gallaon of water a day. Thanks. My name is Reggie
hey guys just got back from vacation.. will be answering all these tomorrow.. still jetlagged!!
Age: 21
Height: Around 6ft 1
Weight: 80kg / 175 lbs
BF: From looking at a bodyfat comparison chart i would put myself somewhere around 20%, i have little fat on my chest and upper body but i am carrying a significant amount on the hip/stomach region.
Here are 2 pictures that were taken first thing this morning.

My stomach looks smaller than usual here it bloats much more during the day when obviously ive had water and meals. Even now though there is a good amount of fat i can grab on the belly.
Goals: I have been bulking since March, have gained 33 lbs since then and wish to continue bulking, however I don't want my BF% to slide out of control.

Current diet:
Meal 1 - 9am pro/fat/carb/cals
4 large eggs, scrambled 34/29/0/400
Half a tin of baked beans 10/0/27/164
10ml of cooking oil 0/9/0/82
Total: 44/38/27/646 cals

On workout days i would go to the gym between these meals, at around 11-12

Meal 2 - 1pm pro/fat/carb/cals
150g Wholewheat pasta 19/3/93/473
125g Bolognese sauce 2/0/9/54
Tin of tuna 35/1/0/146
1tbsp of light mayonaise 0/4/1/40
Total: 56/8/103/713 cals

Meal 3 - 4pm pro/fat/carb/cals
2 slices of thick wholemeal bread 9/3/33/210
10g light butter 0/3/0/28
Tin of tuna 35/1/0/146
1tbsp of light mayonaise 0/4/1/40
Total: 44/11/34/407 cals

Meal 4 - 4.30pm pro/fat/carbs/cals
1 scoop whey protein 20/2/2/98
300ml semi skimmed milk 10/5/15/147
100g of instant oats 9/8/71/388
Total: 39/15/88/633 cals

Work between 5-9pm

Meal 5 - 9.45pm pro/fat/carbs/cals
125g whole grain brown rice 9/4/91/434
150g chicken breast fillet 47/3/0/174
Cooking oil 0/9/0/82
Total: 56/16/91/690 cals

Meal 6 - 11pm pro/fat/carbs/cals
1 scoop whey protein 20/2/2/98
300ml semi skimmed milk 10/5/15/147
100g of instant oats 9/8/71/388
Total: 39/15/88/633 cals

Myfitnesspal records this as a total of 3739 calories, 429g carbs (61g sugars), 277g protein, 103 fat (25g saturated)

I workout 3-4 times a week and I currently follow a modified Starting Strength routine, where:
Workout A:
Standing shoulder press
Chin Ups

Workout B:
Bench Press
Bent over Rows
Lat Pull Down
Bodyweight Dips

I aim for 3 sets of 5 which each exercise apart from dips and chinups where i am looking to build up to 12 BW reps per set before moving on to weighted ones.

I hope i have included everything you need here, thanks for any advice you provide.
looks good.. except meal 6 needs to be beef bro
Hi 3J one more diet:

Height: 1.79m
Weight: 75kg
bf: 16%

75 * 0.16 = 12
75 - 12 = 63 (lean mass)
370 + (21.6 * 63) = 1730.8 cal

bmr * 1.375 = 2379.85 cal

Previous diet (around 3 months):
- around 2000cal
- 4/5 meals a day
- Carbs only in the morning and PWS (140 day)
- P and F on all meals (except the PWS)
- Clean foods (carbs only oatmeal, whole wheat bread, brown rice / beanut butter, olive oil, cashews, peanuts / lean meat and fish)
- past week and a half not so "good".

The goal it's to try a clean bulk (going up around 300 cal) - 2700cal total

Meal 1 - 8 am (P + C)
10 egg whites 40/0/0/160
250 brown rice 5/2.5/60/282.5
Total: 45/2.5/60 442.2cals

Meal 2 - 11 pm (P + F)
160g tuna 40/0/0/160
25g cashew nuts 5/10/8/142
30 olive oil w/ greens 0/30/0/270
Total: 45/40/8 572cals

Meal 3 - 14 pm (P + F)
180g salmon 40/24/0/376
16g olive oil w/ greens 0/16/0/144
Total: 40/40/0 520cals

Meal 4 - 17 pm (P + C) PWS
2 scoops whey 40/0/0/160
50g Waxy Maize Starch 0/0/45/180
Total: 40/0/45 340cals

Meal 5 - 20 pm (P + C)
160g chicken 40/0/0/160
250 brown rice 5/2.5/60/282.5
Total: 45/2.5/60 442.5cals

Meal 6 - 23 pm (P + F)
3/2 scoop casein powder 30/0/0/120
30g beanut butter 8/15/8/215
Total: 38/15/8 335cals

Prot: 255g - 1020 cal
Fat: 100g - 900 cal
Carbs: 180g - 720 cal

Total - 2640cal

- Training is the tri-phase of scivation (good?)
- 4 days a week training
- 2 HIT in the morning/evening on non training days
- 2 cardio sessions (20m) after training days
- I'm carb sensitive, carbs to high?
- 1 grape fruit in the morning
- every time i hit a plateau gonna increase cal for 200?
- PWS after HIT?
- Non workout or HIT days only diference it's the PWS?

What do you think? :)

Thanks in advance

your carbs are way too low for a bulk.. even a lean bulk.. take carbs up to 280g... drop fats 30g
Age: 32
weight: 185
height: 5'8
bf: 20%
Goals BF=15%

Started 3 years ago at 135lbs. Bulked for 3 years and am now at 185lbs(Before/After Pics attached)
Have finally bulked enough where I feel comfortable doing a cut. Would like to be 170lbs without losing a ton of muscle, thats always been my fear since I have spent so much time, money, effort getting this big.

Current Diet:

P28 Bread(2 slices)
4 eggs(whole)

ON Whey Shake
Peanut Butter
Steel Cut Oats

Chicken Breast
Brown Rice
Steamed Veggies

Leftovers from night before, usually:
Chicken, potatoes, veggies

P28 Bread(2 slices)

Dinner, Fish/Ground Turkey/Chicken
Potato or rice


I am pretty strict to my diets. I dont eat red meat or pork. No pops, juices,etc. Just water or tea/coffee. I lift 5 days a week religiously, but not much cardio right now. Will do cardio as I should when I start to cut. Not sure how many days yet, hope to find that out and do my cut diet/workout to the T. Thanks in advance for the info, this has been my biggest question on how to attack this. View attachment 547824View attachment 547825

when cutting you need to time your carbs correctly.. that being said, carbs should be bfast, pre, and post workout.. limited to 150-170g a day.. the rest should be fats and protein... dont have carbs at night unless its post workout
210 lbs
22% bf

Just came off a 4 month bulk and my plan is to start cutting this coming Monday.
My goal is to lose 10% which is about 20 lbs over the next 20 weeks.
I'll be cutting 500 - 600 calories from diet each day. I wont be in the gym for the first 7 days due to an injury so you wont see any pre or post work out meals. When I start training I will incorporate some whey for post workout and have more carbs closer to my work out times. My TDEE is 3221 cals when im working out, but my first week the calories will around 2600.


Meal 1
1 Whole grain bagel
6 egg whites hard boiled
1 whole egg hard boiled
TOTAL 38/47/7.5/419

Meal 2
100g Chicken Breast
180g Basmati rice
TOTAL 36/41/4.2/357

Meal 3
120g Tilapia
7 oz sweet potato
Steamed veggies
TOTAL 35/40/3.2/333

Meal 4
120 gTilapia
180 g Basmati rice
steamed veggies
TOTAL 36/41/3.8/346

Meal 5
100g Chicken Breast
7 oz sweet potato
Steamed veggies
TOTAL 35/40/3.6/344

Meal 6
4oz sirlion tip
Basmati rice
TOTAL 39/41/.6/400

Meal 7
200 g salmon
TOTAL 44/0/24/414

Grand Totals 263/250/53.5/2610


diet looks clean.. switch the place of the protein in meal 6 and 7... what are you planning on adding when your start lifting?
I am want to get to 12-15% BF, preferably 12%.

My work out and cardio is;

Mon-amcardio(30mins fast walk)
Chest Day 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Tues-Leg Day 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Wed-am cardio(30mins fast walk)
Shoulders 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Thurs-Back day 4 sets of 10-12 reps
Fri-am cardio(30 mins fast walk)
Arms and Tris 4 sets of 10-12 reps



Morning: pro/carb/fat/cal
2 large whole eggs-12/0/90/140
1/2 cup oats-5/27/3/150

Mid Morning:
2oz almonds-12/12/28/320

6oz chicken breast-33/0/4/177
1/2 cup Green beans-less than a gram/4/0/20
1/2 cup of green beans-5/40/2/170

Mid Afternoon
2oz Almonds
1/2 cup of brown rice

WHEY PROTEIN SHAKE 40 grams of protein

6oz chicken breats
1/2 cup of green beans.

This is my current diet and workout routine. As I stated earlier I am trying to get to 12-15% bodyfat. Can you help me/ By the way I also drink a gallaon of water a day. Thanks. My name is Reggie

daily totals?? please repost the whole thing with daily totals
diet looks clean.. switch the place of the protein in meal 6 and 7... what are you planning on adding when your start lifting?

Meal 1 will be my pre workout meal. I will be upping my carbs that meal and tapering them off throughout the day. I will supplement with whey for my post workout along with dextrose powder. The only other supplement I will be using is a multi vitamin.

Why do you suggest switching the sirloin with the salmon?
I have a question about the keto diet. I have been on it for 2 weeks now and I've lost 18lbs by just watching what I eat. I keep my daily caloric intake around 1500 give or take. The first week was hell adjusting to the diet but the past week has been a breeze. I dont feel hungry as much and will only eat when I feel the hunger pains going on. I am not that famaliar with how the body works but when on the keto diet does the body go looking for fat solely for energy or does the body break down muscle first? I am just wondering cause sometime I will go for like 9 hours between eating meals and I dont want to be losing muscle at a faster rate then I need to. Should I be eating snacks and stuff even though I'm not hungry. I keep hydrated with plenty of water too. Any incite on this would be greatly appreciated.
Meal 1 will be my pre workout meal. I will be upping my carbs that meal and tapering them off throughout the day. I will supplement with whey for my post workout along with dextrose powder. The only other supplement I will be using is a multi vitamin.

Why do you suggest switching the sirloin with the salmon?
you want the slowest digesting protein to be right before bed
I have a question about the keto diet. I have been on it for 2 weeks now and I've lost 18lbs by just watching what I eat. I keep my daily caloric intake around 1500 give or take. The first week was hell adjusting to the diet but the past week has been a breeze. I dont feel hungry as much and will only eat when I feel the hunger pains going on. I am not that famaliar with how the body works but when on the keto diet does the body go looking for fat solely for energy or does the body break down muscle first? I am just wondering cause sometime I will go for like 9 hours between eating meals and I dont want to be losing muscle at a faster rate then I need to. Should I be eating snacks and stuff even though I'm not hungry. I keep hydrated with plenty of water too. Any incite on this would be greatly appreciated.

unless your 110lbs and female your starving yourself, your losing muscle.. 18lbs in 2 weeks tells me your weight is up there.. your doing this all wrong bro..

have you thought about hiring a professional?? email me at if interested
Meal 1 will be my pre workout meal. I will be upping my carbs that meal and tapering them off throughout the day. I will supplement with whey for my post workout along with dextrose powder. The only other supplement I will be using is a multi vitamin.

Why do you suggest switching the sirloin with the salmon?

Question: I started my meal plan 5 days ago today and somehow I dropped six lbs. In a way this is concerning because I'm aiming for 1-1.5 lbs a week. Could this just be my weight stabilizing it self and release any water retention?
Question: I started my meal plan 5 days ago today and somehow I dropped six lbs. In a way this is concerning because I'm aiming for 1-1.5 lbs a week. Could this just be my weight stabilizing it self and release any water retention?

I am thinking the same, after 7 days of cutting (600 kcals from my TDEE) I have gone down from 201lbs to 190. I dont think this is muscle as I am engaging in weight training 5 times a week and my lifts are not decreasing...
Hey 3j, what's your opinion on the amount of protein needed while cutting and when bulking?

Also what is your opinion in IIFYM( if it fits your macros) while on a cut?
Hey 3j I appreciate any help you can give me
I am 24years old
Bf 9-10percent
I want to gain another 7lbs then maintain that weight 190ish
Keep in mind I have a demanding job, so I can't always sit and eat I want to add more high protein quick on rhe go meals ir snacks

BMR 1944.35
TDEE 3013.74

Cal 1900/ fat 70 / protein 160 /carb 175
This does not include PWO shake 50g protein 6 grams fat 300 calories 20 grams carbs
Also have been taking 450 calories of mass gainer to fill the void...
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