Free Diet Advice from 3J

Hey 3j, what's your opinion on the amount of protein needed while cutting and when bulking?

Also what is your opinion in IIFYM( if it fits your macros) while on a cut?

iifym is crap..

you need to keep your protein high for both..i dont discriminate though the philosophy is the higher your carbs the less protein you need
Hey 3j I appreciate any help you can give me
I am 24years old
Bf 9-10percent
I want to gain another 7lbs then maintain that weight 190ish
Keep in mind I have a demanding job, so I can't always sit and eat I want to add more high protein quick on rhe go meals ir snacks

BMR 1944.35
TDEE 3013.74

Cal 1900/ fat 70 / protein 160 /carb 175
This does not include PWO shake 50g protein 6 grams fat 300 calories 20 grams carbs
Also have been taking 450 calories of mass gainer to fill the void...
hey bud, you have to build a diet so i can critique it.. i dont hand out diets here..

if your interested in me building a diet for you, your more then welcome to email me at to become a client
I am thinking the same, after 7 days of cutting (600 kcals from my TDEE) I have gone down from 201lbs to 190. I dont think this is muscle as I am engaging in weight training 5 times a week and my lifts are not decreasing...

thats wayyy tooo quick.. you need to add calories
Question: I started my meal plan 5 days ago today and somehow I dropped six lbs. In a way this is concerning because I'm aiming for 1-1.5 lbs a week. Could this just be my weight stabilizing it self and release any water retention?

the first week it can go down a bit quicker.. up to 6-7lbs.. i still dont like it.. i dont like fast weight loss.. add some calories.. maybe just 300 and see what happens next week
first post, woo!! i wanna change my frame from being known as that skinny to being jacked
age: 18
weight: 165lbs
height: 184cm
bf%: 15% (im skinny fat)
goal: bulk for 9 months and put on as much mass as possible to cut for next summer
previous food habit: very poor, eating a lot of junk food and crap

current workout im doing is layne nortons PHAT routine

bmr: 1886
tdee: 2923

diet plan

meal one: cal/pro/carb/fat
.5 chicken breast
1 cup of milk
1 cup of oats 596/45/75/12

meal two: cal/pro/carb/fat
2 cans of tuna, mayo and corn
250grams of sweet potato 466/25/69/10

meal three: cal/pro/carb/fat
250grams of turkey breast
2 large potatoes 837/68/126/5

meal four: cal/pro/carb/fat Postworkout meal
50grams of whey isolate
1 banana
1 apple 437/42/67/3

meal five: cal/pro/carb/fat
1 chicken breast
1 tablespoon olive oil 261/26/0/17

meal six: cal/pro/carb/fat
2 beef patties
1 whole avocado 730/44/17/56

354g Carbs
103g Fat
250g Protein
3327 Calories

thanks heaps 3J

EDIT: im a student so its needs to be on the lowest budget possible, thanks
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age: 21
weight: 208
height: 6ft
goals: by the end of my current cycle: 220. In a couple of years time 240lbs with same leanness.

5 day split with low intensity cardio 3 times a week for 10-20 mins

Right now I am on week 3 of dbol @ 50mg/day and Test C @ 600mg/wk

Maintenance is right around 3100. Currently eating 3700cals a day.

I eat very clean and have 1 cheat meal a week. Want to get the most out of this bulk!


6am: 1.5 cups oatmeal, 11 egg whites, 12oz skim milk, 6 fish oil (throughout day) 586/59/61/11

PWO 8am: 2 scoops whey 235/42/10/3

Before class 9am: 10oz chicken, .75 cups brown rice (measured uncooked) 810/72/114/8

12pm: 6oz 93/7 ground beef, 1 serving green beans 280/36/6/14

2pm: PB&J (WW bread/natty PB/sugar free jam) 356/12/37/18

4pm: 1.5 cup oats, 2 scoops whey, 12 oz skim milk 592/62/69/8

530pm: 10oz chicken and green beans 338/61/7/8

7pm: 2 cans light tuna, 1 TBSP whole fat mayo, green beans 323/41/6/15

Before bed: 1 C low fat cottage cheese 181/24/10/5

316.6g Carbs
88.7g Fat
409.1g Protein
3700.7 Calories

I am a student so I am often packing up everyday. How does this look. Any recommendations?

Thanks man!
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View attachment 548365Hi 3j, I need your help! I'm a 35 yo women who been exercising since I was a teenager. As a teenager I obtained the body I didn't know I wanted (defined) and lost it as I became an adult. I have tried to obtain that figure as an adult but learned in the past YEAR I've been going about it the wrong way! The program I was using was wrong. I've had at least four personal trainers in my time and still haven't obtained the results I was looking for, I was not informed properly. I hired a personal trainer last year 2012 and learned in a short amount of time all the things I was doing wrong during my adult years. Eating and exercising wrong. When I was a teen I was skinny, so I bulked and exercised at the same time, that is how I obtain the defined figure. I'm no longer skinny nor am I fat. I enjoy my size and shape but I have fat that I want GONE. I want to be toned and defined! My problem areas are my thighs, arms and sides. I thought I should follow a cutting diet. I've been on a "diet" eating proteins, carbs, and fats last year but lost faith and quit. I came across Anavar (var) and it sparked hope again. I will post my pic because I haven't been back to the gym since firing my trainer, I'd lost hope! I was considering following the cutting diet sample you posted above because I attempted to follow a 6 meal plan last year. I was eating 3 boiled eggs and flavored oatmeal in the morning. white bagel, almonds, peanut butter, and half of green apple for snack. lunch was veggie hoagie with cheese and mayo. snack was fruit and whatever protein I could obtain. Then for home I would have chicken breast, veggie, and starch. then one last snack that contained some type of protein. My goal was to eat more than 3 times a day, which I accomplished. But I need to get more strict with what I eat. I was going through an emotional roller coaster during that time because I felt like I was getting bigger but my clothes were fitting loser. I fired my trainer because we were only seeing each other once a week and doing calisthenics, I didn't feel that was enough so I let him go! I know what to do in the gym but now a days I do need that push especially to failure. I want results and I want them now!!!! Can you suggest an eating plan for me and exercise routine?
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Hey 3j, I don't eat the same things everyday on a set routine, but I do count all my macros and calories during the day. My diet consists of:

Carbs: whole grain pasta, wheat bagels, wheat bread, oatmeal, yams, rice cakes, and milk.
Protein: chicken, tuna, salmon, tilapia, greek yogurt, ground turkey, ham, whey, sometimes egg whites.
Fats: cheese, olive oil, peanut butter, mixed nuts.

I mix and match with those foods to hit my macros. I'll be cutting this March, and I was wondering what your opinion on dairy is while cutting.

Also I buy egg beaters and just put egg whites in my shakes, but I've heard this is bad due to something with the amount of biotin and not being digestible unless cooked?

Also I've competed twice and while cutting for those competitions I would incorporate refeeds, and all ways the day after the refeed I would be extremely bloated. Any idea why that happens?
Hi, Im just interested in your opinion on these shakes ive been making

i use 2scoops of whey protien (the amount the label says per shake (35g of protein i think))
2 cups milk
3 cups mixed berries
4 tbsp peanut butter.
blended smooth makes around 1 litre and i just started 1.5 to 2 litres of that a day ontop of my regular diet, i havent started AAS yet still working everything out including diet.

i belive this combo to be very high in protein and calories or am i wrong?
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Age: 24
Weight: 172lbs
Height: 6ft
TDEE: 2798.25 calories
BF- Unknown only fat i have is on stomach, just enough to cover abs (would like to lose it)

Goal- Add Lean Mass future weight 200lbs

Workout- 3-4 days a week

Meal 1

1.5 cup- Total Raisin Bran
1 cup- 1% Milk


Meal 2

5- Eggs
1 cup- 1% Milk


Meal 3

Chicken Chili
1% Cottage Cheese


Meal 4

Chicken Breast with Onion and Mushrooms
1Tbsp Olive Oil


Meal 5

Chobani Greek Yogurt


Meal 6

Peanut Butter Sandwich
Whole Gains Casein Shake



I don't eat red meat or fish.
And i'm always on the go so always looking for the quick,yet good for me meal.

When I get the money I think I am going to purchase one of your plan, using this to hold me over till then,

This will be a tough one

This will be a challenge for you and thank you in advance for all and any help you give me. I am currently an IT man and battled some tough depression and let myself go. I have started going back to the gym and have tweaked my eating habits a bit especially in the fast food areas and soda.

Current stats:
Age: 29
Weight: 266 all of my weight shows in my stomach and tit area I would love to lose my man tits!
Height: 5'10"
BF: 25%
My goals: Get down to 200-220 and a BF level of around 15%-18%
BMI: 2328.69
TDEE: 3609.47
Current Workout Schedule: Different every week but I do your normal cycle of lifting for around an hour and do about 20 mins of cardio 4 days a week currently. I also play Basketball Sunday mornings for about an hour and I am currently in a softball league which plays every Monday for around an hour.
Current Eating habits:
Day 1
Beans, string, green, canned, low sodium
1 cup 60 4 6 2
Chicken, breast, skin not eaten
12 oz, boneless, cooked, skinless 550 12 0 103
Raisin bran
2 cup 359 3 86 9
Tea, presweetened
16 fl oz 97 0 25 0
Water, tap
12 cup 0 0 0 0
Milk, 1% fat
2 cup 205 5 24 16
Pistachio nuts
1 cup 330 27 16 12

Totals 1601 50.1 157.0 143.3

Day 2
Totals 2151 110.4 96.9 186.2
Egg omelet or scrambled egg
2 large egg 192 14 2 14
Beef steak, fried
8 oz, boneless, cooked 652 39 0 70
Bread, white, toasted
2 regular slice 141 2 26 4
Sports drink, QUAKER OATS, GATORADE, fruit-flavored, ready-to-drink (a.k.a. thirst quencher)
2 serving 8 fl oz 127 0 31 0
Pork chop
12 oz, boneless, cooked 852 50 0 95
Banana, raw
1 medium (7" to 7-7/8" long) 105 0 27 1
Water, tap
12 cup 0 0 0 0
Beans, string, green, cooked
1 cup 82 4 11 3

Totals 2151 110.4 96.9 186.2

Day 3
Totals 1968 114.0 135.8 97.9
Kielbasa, Polish, turkey and beef, smoked
4 serving 2 oz 506 39 9 29
Yellow rice, cooked, regular
2 cup, cooked 300 1 66 6
Egg omelet or scrambled egg, with ham or bacon
3 large egg 409 29 3 32
Beef sausage
4 link (7/8" dia x 4" long) 168 15 2 6
White potato, french fries, breaded or battered
1 cup 232 14 22 4
Fast foods, ham and cheese sandwich
1 sandwich 352 15 33 21

Totals 1968 114.0 135.8 97.9

Day 4
Totals 1401 51.6 153.6 90.2
Beef, roast, roasted
8 oz, boneless, cooked 605 39 0 59
Yellow rice, cooked, regular
1 cup, cooked 150 0 33 3
Beans, string, green, cooked
1 cup 82 4 11 3
Raisin bran
2 cup 359 3 86 9
Milk, 1% fat
2 cup 205 5 24 16
Water, tap
15 cup 0 0 0 0

Totals 1401 51.6 153.6 90.2

Rinse and repeat

Here is the kicker I am very picky in what I like as far as foods. I love all meat except seafood. I dislike most veggies and fruits, so supplements will probably be needed. Thank you again!
Hope to hear from you soon!
hie, i am 5'8 and weigh 177 lbs at 12-13%bf. My maintenance is 3200 calories. I am 19 years old. This is going to be my first cycle. I am doing sustanon 250 twice a week for 12 weeks along with anadrol for 6 weeks. I am doing my cycle under the supervision of my uncle who competes in NPC in super heavyweight. This is the diet he gave me, please critique my diet. Although he made this diet for me and i am still asking for critique cos i think he is putting way too much calories as well as fats in my diet. So i just need some advice on that.

4 A.M. Training
6 A.M. 1 cup oatmeal, 2 scoops peanut butter, 1 can tuna - 100 gram carbs, 50 gram protein , 30 gram fats 830 calories
8 A.M. 2 Scoop protein shake - 40 gram protein 250 calories
10.30 A.M. 6 oz chicken breast , 1 cup rice , 4 spoons olive oil 150 carbs , 46 protein , 30 fat 1000 calories
2.30 P.M 6 oz chicken breast , 1 cup rice , 4 spoons olive oil 150 carbs , 46 protein , 30 fat 1000 calories
4.30 P.M 4 whole eggs, peanut butter, 2 bread slices - 20 carbs, 30 protein , 30 fats 500 calories
6.30 P.M 6 oz chicken breast , 1 cup rice , 4 spoons olive oil 150 carbs , 46 protein , 30 fat 1000 calories
8.30 P.M 2 scoops protein , 2 scoops of peanut butter - 40 gram protein, 30 gram fat - 350 calories

taking about 5000 calories with 520 carbs, 320 protein adn 160 fats. i am gonna stay strict throughout the cycle. Been lifting for 5 years so i am used to it. How does my cycle look and what kind of gains can i expect., Thanks.
age - 24
weight - 208
height - 5'11
bf - 18%
goals - Went from 310 - 208 over the course of 4 years without any help just changing the way i eat and exercising/lifting weights. My goal is to get my stomach area into good looking shape, would like to have a 6 pack at some point in my life. So cutting body fat% would be great.
BMR - 2,044.65
TDEE - 3,527.02
Workout Schedule:
Mon: Cardio 12:00pm 40-50mins stairs
Weight Training 6:00pm Chest/Back
Tuesday: Cardio 12:00pm 40-50mins stairs
Weight Training 6:00pm Arms
Wednesday: Cardio 12:00pm 40-50mins stairs
Day off for class
Thursday: Cardio 12:00pm 40-50mins stairs
Weight Training 6:00pm Shoulders
Fridays: Cardio 12:00pm 40-50mins stairs
Weight Training 6:00pm Legs *Knee is currently injured but this was typical*
Saturday: Cardio
Sunday: Cardio
**Core/Abs typically done every other day just depending when I start and how soar they may be**

Meal 1 - Green Apple + 2 cups of coffee black + 1 packet splenda
Meal 2 - Chicken + Protein Shake + Salad + Dark Choc covered almonds/Pretzels *This meal is typically after my cardio at noon usually my largest meal of the day eaten at my desk over course of 1-3 hours*
Meal 3 - Protein Bar/Green Apple *Typically on my drive home to give me some energy because I head to the gym right when I get home*
Meal 4 - Unstable, usually not very hungry at night after my weight training, might snack on some chicken that I am cooking for tomorrows lunch or maybe 2 pieces of Tilapia/93% lean ground beef + Salad/Broccoli *Sometimes a second protein shake*
(When I am not being lazy, typically i will hardboil 4 eggs a day and also eat those throughout my day and on any given day may also throw in a Peanut butter and Jelly sandwich in the morning)

I will work on my macros but as you can see, other than not eating "bad" food my diet is pretty jacked, I KNOW i need to eat more and get a schedule together.

Also, just a side note and i am assuming its from my shitty eating but i get really BAD BAD sugar cravings. I could eat a pound of meat and a pound of veges but nothing curbs my hunger until i eat SUGAR and i am talking liek chocolate/candy etc. The craving can come maybe once a week once every 2 weeks? IS it because i am eating like shit?
199 X .21= 41.7
199-41.7= 157.3/2.2
71.7 kg

370 + (21.6x71.7)= 1919

1919 X 1.55 = 2974

32 male
21% bf
Short term goal-Drop BF to under 15% by summer.

5 day split

Friday- shoulders traps
Saturday- back

20-30 min cardio after workout low intensity 130-140bpm

6am breakfast
1 cup All whites. 24/4/0/120
2 large eggs 13.5/2.7/14.9/202
Whole wheat bread 8/24/3/120

14oz muscle milk 25/12/9/230
1oz almonds 6.2/5.6/14.4/164

12pm lunch
8 oz chicken 48/0/3/220
Basmati brown rice 4/38/0/170
Green beans 1/5.5/0/22

3pm pre work out
6oz tilapia 31.5/0/1.5/135
Basmati brown rice 4/38/0/170

Work out 4pm

Post workout around 6pm
2scoop eas whey 46/6/5/260

7:30/8:00pm dinner
6 oz chicken 36/0/2.2/165
Green giant immunity boost 2 servings 2/14/6/100

9:30 pre bed
Chobani 14/20/0/140

Total 263/169/59/2218 on workout days