friends first cycle..


New member
hi guys. i recently told my friend i would hook him up with a cycle. it is supposed to be a simple test e 500mg/w cycle. problem is, my source ran out of test e. could i put him on test cyp? theyre nearly identical right?
Not trying to be a dick, but if you have to ask that question, should you really be giving your friend cycle advice? Did you tell him about AI/PCT? You should just tell your friend to come read these forums for a bit so he knows what he can expect and knows what to do every step of the way.

Edit: Forgot to answer the Q lol. The esters are very similar, so it's basically what ever is available/the better deal.
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relax. I have everything under control. I just wondered about the make up of the drug, not so much what to do. He'll be on clomid 50/50/50/50 maybe Nolva if need be.
Both of those are serms for post cycle therapy (pct). He'll need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) like aromasin or adex to control estrogen while on the cycle. But yes both esters are very similar and their half-lifes differ by very little so you would still dose it the same.
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Not trying to be a dick, but if you have to ask that question, should you really be giving your friend cycle advice? Did you tell him about AI/PCT? You should just tell your friend to come read these forums for a bit so he knows what he can expect and knows what to do every step of the way.

Edit: Forgot to answer the Q lol. The esters are very similar, so it's basically what ever is available/the better deal.
