friends needle got stuck in the arse during injsecitoin.


New member
so this is what happend in last two hour. I was going to bed and I get a call from my coworker, he sounded scared as shi. I am the only person who knows about his usage. He says it broke. I literally got angry at him thinking he broke his test vial but it was his injection pin. He worked out his leg that morning and his hamstrings caught a bad cramp while he was pushing in.he leanded back to the wall cuz of the cramp and needle broke. that was his explanation. I go over to his house not knowing if I should take him to er or would it be ok to take him in the morning. I start googling it on the way to his house and believe it or not its quiet common and there had been plenty of lawsuits again medical practice who broke needles in patients are while procedure; or even left syringe during time of surgery. Upon arrival I examine his arse and no problem we start trying to think of every possible outcome, even call the er where they said they could do nothing about it and it will go out on its own. Which makes no sense to me. I think The needle is chillin in his under the skin and he feels sharp pain while he moves. needle must be stuck in his subcutaneous tissue(should be stable) since its consist of fats and unless pressure is put on it it should go anywhere? am i completely wrong. I am waiting in the ER now.
I wouldn't leave it in there any longer than you have to. Go to a doctors practice or the er, get someone to remove it. If not then I'd be getting a scalpel, some alcohol and some tweezers at home and digging that fucker out.
Wife is a doc in er and has never seen one break. They are pretty flexible. Not made frome hardened steel. He really had to f up to do this!
Cus get some pliers and pull it out of your ass. You may have to push on the skin to get some of the needle out where you can grab it...Oh..I mean your "friends" ass.
I already explained on another thread that this cannot happen and asked for anyone to try to break one. Even with two pairs of pliers. This is BULL SHIT 100%, a troll or someone stupid to think we would believe this horse crap.

When this other post mentioned a needle breaking I had to test what I already knew and stuck a needle in my work bench and bent it over past 90 degrees. Back and forth and it never broke. They bend they are not hardened.

Someone ban this kid :(
Maybe he's trying to say the needle snapped at the end where it it attached to the threading/syringe? Because he shoved it in all the way.

Still...that's funny af.
Although highly unlikely this is possible and their are over 280,000 members on here so statistically im sure we are bound to get a member that this happens to occasionally. I personally don't care if he is a troll or not their is no real way to tell now days with the amount of stupidity out their. Im not saying the guy who did this was stupid. Shit happens and it is " possible". But honesty if your already at the ER you have done the right thing and you need to just listen to what the doctors have to say. I would call around and get second and third oppinions when it comes to leaving that spike in his ass cheek. But I am no doctor so I cant tell you to ignore their advice.