Front Shot Of Me Off Cycle.

You said you work as bouncer? I sure wouldn't dare give you any lip dude. You look mean, strong & ready, for sure.
mesomorph said:
You said you work as bouncer? I sure wouldn't dare give you any lip dude. You look mean, strong & ready, for sure.

Yeah, I'm a bouncer, but I'm pretty nice. My coworkers make fun of me bc instead of throwing people out that are fighting or are about to, I just break them up and tell them to go on opposite sides of the club. I don't get mean until it's closing time and we have to usher all the drunks out before the cops come and ticket us.
Not too bad,U have some good mass there. However if i were you I would consider doing a cutting cycle, before your next roid cycle..You look kinda soft.
londonhunk said:
Not too bad,U have some good mass there. However if i were you I would consider doing a cutting cycle, before your next roid cycle..You look kinda soft.

You're a dope.
phoenixphyre said:
You're a dope.

Hey it was a genuine comment man..He looks kinda soft thats all i said,Im not taking away from his hard work, just think he needs to lose some of the fat hes carrying man.. :spank:
Yeah everyone has an opinion I guess

londonhunk said:
Not too bad,U have some good mass there. However if i were you I would consider doing a cutting cycle, before your next roid cycle..You look kinda soft.
This is the second thread I see a comment like this. In both cases the dude didn't even have enough extra fat to have even a little gut.

Frankly I can't believe the way body builders have to look to go into a contest. I think they look like crap at 3% body fat. Just don't look too normal.

I know a dude that is a bouncer, about 270, almost identical build. He was saying, a fairly big dude, like 200 lbs, was giving him a lot of trouble. He went to punch him with a quick right / left in the chest. But there was nothing to hit when his left arm came around because the guy was already flat on his posterior.

Only goes to show what about 270 pounds of soft muscle is worth.
londonhunk said:
Not too bad,U have some good mass there. However if i were you I would consider doing a cutting cycle, before your next roid cycle..You look kinda soft.

Yeah, I am a little soft at the moment. That's a problem I have in the down period between coming off cycle and waiting for natural test levels to peak again. And taking creatine in between cycles doesn't help much for the harder look either.
Looking good. I only hope there aint to many cycles behind you?
From the picture telling you could work abit more on lats.
keep it up.
Bast said:
Looking good. I only hope there aint to many cycles behind you?
From the picture telling you could work abit more on lats.
keep it up.

Three cycles. Lats are hard for me since I have high insertion points, but overall back thickness is pretty good.