Fuck Winny

That's what it sounds like to me Ida. I guess the drip-drip is what Praetorian did but never thought to just shoot it in there like DougE did? I got 10g coming so I will let you know, and you do the same if you make some
Ida, thats correct. Ive taken my share of chem labs and I used to skip the titrations all together and just pour in the reagents (as long as I knew the ~volume others were reporting to have worked). I was always under the impression that a slow titration was more for measurement purposes, and the speed wouldnt change the final outcome. Keep me updated on your results guys.
Well, did my water-based PEG Winstrol (winny) conversion last night. Did kind of a drip-drip and a faster stream of BAc Water. Was gonna shoot it straight in there like DougE did, but thought I would make sure the mix went well first.

At first, it was difficult to gently swirl and mix, it was more like swirl it with some force. After it had mixed pretty much, I shook the shit out of it. It looked to thick just looking at it (guess I'm used to seeing QV in an amber vial), but it shook and sounded like it was liquid enough. So, I drew some out with a 25g pin and it went thru it no problem. Tasted like complete ass though. Think I will be shooting this stuff!!!

Hey, dumb question. Any problem mixing this with say Cyp or Tren to minimixe injects???

Overall, it went well.

OH yeah, I want to make some more Bac water. Do I have to have a .22m filter or can I use a .45? I think I am out of 22s.

45s will work if you dont have a .2. and yes you can mix oil and water. just give it a good shake after you draw them up, make sure you got some air in there before shaking. then fire away as usual.
Cool, cause i think this is gonna be a big hit at the house!!lol

Props to Praetorian and the Chem Fresh crew for your help!!
OK, please excuse my veiled attempt at 'urban humor'. The chemical boys! You guys in this forum you morons!! lol

Damn, what all this test will do to a human brain!!
btw, here's a pic the next day of my new friend!! Lovely I must say!!


I would have to venture a guess and say any method of adding in the Bac water either by titration or just by shooting it in there will prolly work. I am gonna try DougE's method tomorrow and I'll let you know.
Beautiful. Being able to make a nice water based suspension thatl flow through small gauges is key for reselling and such. Makes you look like your "chemist" knows his shit. Good job man.
DougoeFre5h said:
Beautiful. Being able to make a nice water based suspension thatl flow through small gauges is key for reselling and such. Makes you look like your "chemist" knows his shit. Good job man.

No shit!! Now if I could only find a label!!!