Future plans: On/off or staying on etc


New member
Hi everyone,

I have done 4 cycles so far and have decent knowledge about steroids and everything that comes with it by now.
First cycle was Test-e 500mg/week, 2nd was Test-e and winny, 3th was Test/Tren 250/400, 4th Test/tren/Mast 250/400/200.
I'm 26 years old and do not plan on having kids in the next few years.

I'm thinking about blast/cruising for a year or maybe 2 depending on how everything goes, how my bloodwork will be, basically how my life will turn out.
I would run HCG the entire time.

Then I want to go off completely for a long time (who knows how long :) ) and let my body recover (hopefully completely).
See how my life will turn out, have kids etc...

After that I can decide if I would like to cycle again or stay on for the rest of my life, or maybe not cycle anymore at all, who knows.
Would you guys recommend me to keep cycling on/off and keep my bloodwork in check, or can I stay on for a year or 2 and hopefully recover completely?
Do you think I might as well go on forever? I'm thinking about this stuff and am reading more and more about it, so would like to have your thoughts on this.
I don't just want to stay on to be as big as possible, but make a good decision.
Keep in mind I don't know much, but I have read a few things pertaining to fertility and cycling that long. So I guess my question is what happens if it turns out you can't have kids after this? Would that be okay with you?
You would be better off cycling. Blasting and cruising for that long will make recovery afterwards nearly impossible..
You would be better off cycling. Blasting and cruising for that long will make recovery afterwards nearly impossible..

So are you saying to the OP that basically blasting and cruising that long would put you into a need for TRT most likely?
what are your stats, and does your physique make you money or do you plan on committing to a certain level in regards to bodybuilding aspirations ? If your just an average joe that likes to work out, then there would be no reason to take the risk of cruising long term (especially at your age and wanting to have kids . . . a 40 year old guy that has already had kids and is on his way to trt anyway, different story).

for guys that make money off of their physique (it's their livelihood, wither it be modeling, working in the industry etc.. whatever) they need to look good year round for their career. Then they cay weigh those risks. and blasting a cruising may not be too bad a thing for them (they are putting their career/body over and above the importance of other things), and the constant On/off of running a cycle and doing a pct, which can be hard on the body, won't be an issue for them. BUT again , they 'need' to look go year round . Do you?
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Most likely. I've read of guys that do this properly that go on TRT also. It depends on the person.

Ah roger, I'm tracking what you're saying now.

Question again... Is there a difference between cruising and TRT? For instance if you're on TRT you're cruising on a low dose to begin with so you don't pct. so is it more of a dose thing? Like cruising above a TRT dose? I get the distinct difference between the two or the reasons of the two but in curious at what point is the dose considers cruising ?
Ah roger, I'm tracking what you're saying now.

Question again... Is there a difference between cruising and TRT? For instance if you're on TRT you're cruising on a low dose to begin with so you don't pct. so is it more of a dose thing? Like cruising above a TRT dose? I get the distinct difference between the two or the reasons of the two but in curious at what point is the dose considers cruising ?

the real 'distinct' difference is that a TRT dose is because of medical reasons , i.e, treatment for hypogonadism. Cruising is simply a choice, not a medical treatment of a condition. The doses cane be very similar (somewhat irrelevant really) but the reason behind WHY is the distinct difference between the two.

some guys consider 'cruising' as just coming off ALL compounds besides Test . wither the test dose is 150mg per week or 500 mg per week,, either dose is a cruise because they are off all other AAS compounds and are just maintaining/cruising with test.
the real 'distinct' difference is that a TRT dose is because of medical reasons , i.e, treatment for hypogonadism. Cruising is simply a choice, not a medical treatment of a condition. The doses cane be very similar (somewhat irrelevant really) but the reason behind WHY is the distinct difference between the two.

some guys consider 'cruising' as just coming off ALL compounds besides Test . wither the test dose is 150mg per week or 500 mg per week,, either dose is a cruise because they are off all other AAS compounds and are just maintaining/cruising with test.

Okay cool I got it, thanks.

I knew TRT is for a medical condition and is done in doses to put you within normal range, I myself am suffering from hypogonadism. :(

I guess I was more asking if there a certain dose they consider cruising, I get its a life style choice but it seems in the end it becomes a self prescribed TRT as it must be hard to recover from years on cycle. Over all I don't think my question made much sense or had much relevance now that I read again.