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well i got my free sample and jsut though id pass along my results using the Greatest new supplement Gakic that should give someone an immedaite 10.5% increase in strength..take that number however you want..But i write my weights down and now what i use each week and genreally push my top sets up whenever i can..

so lemme say this..I took my gakic 30 mins befdore benching..I can tell you that every single set felt HEAVY..these are weights i use week in and week out as wm-ups for my top sets..So my guess is this is complete bullshit lol

blackbeard said:
well i got my free sample and jsut though id pass along my results using the Greatest new supplement Gakic that should give someone an immedaite 10.5% increase in strength..take that number however you want..But i write my weights down and now what i use each week and genreally push my top sets up whenever i can..

so lemme say this..I took my gakic 30 mins befdore benching..I can tell you that every single set felt HEAVY..these are weights i use week in and week out as wm-ups for my top sets..So my guess is this is complete bullshit lol


I was trying to figure out what this shit is? Is it a pre-workout supplement you take to get you psyched and motivated to lift? That's the best I could make out from the product description
Who is Mike Jones? said:
I was trying to figure out what this shit is? Is it a pre-workout supplement you take to get you psyched and motivated to lift? That's the best I could make out from the product description
i dont know what you were reading, but thats not it.

its effects are similar to creatine. It supposedly increases muscle torque and delays the onset of fatigue.
I'll never use this, all this hype about GAKIC is just making me ever more dubious about the claims. I'll stick with creatine.
Antigua said:
I'll never use this, all this hype about GAKIC is just making me ever more dubious about the claims. I'll stick with creatine.
yea...nobody every overhypes creatine:lol:
Bimmer said:
shit is expensive

hence the reason im posting my results..
i mean they claim an "imediate" response..I got NONE

nad for some creatine is complete waste too..Ive been taking that CEE stuff and i dont see a damn thing from it..complete waste of money..Im sticking with protein powder and food..and If it doesnt come in an amp or its not injectabel i would believe a thing it claims
How big is the free sample? I just ordered the free sample like 20minutes ago cuzz I want to see for myself how shitty this thing really is. Plus, there's no harm in taking advantage or something that's free. :)
Suareezay said:
i dont know what you were reading, but thats not it.

its effects are similar to creatine. It supposedly increases muscle torque and delays the onset of fatigue.

I was reading the description on . . .must have breezed through it . . . .
Too expensive for me to try it w/o any credible evidence saying it's good.

I'd probably try a free sample, but the whole product seems a little sketchy.
im a highschool athlete, i have GAKIC in the powder form. mmmm as far as the ability to increase your muscle strength it allowed me to do an extra rep of 185 than normal on the benchpress. big woop. besides i dont even use it for that mostly. I use it before indoor track meets about 45 minutes before my race, imma a sprinter and supposedly its specifically for anaerobic exercise, ie. lifting/sprinting. Makes my muscels less tired by removing toxins like ammonia? i duno, its probably bullshit, but hell they got my $60. wont do it again.
Another thing i found while taking NO-Xplode, i added 5 lbs to bench in 3 days....because i was thinking iwas stronger because i was on it. i stopped taking it to see if i would drop down and continued to add. keep mind me that helps alot as well.
PBX4Sho said:
gakic doens't work for alot of people, but no supplement can be judged by a 1 serving sample packet.

whne the label claims an "immediate" increase in strength one serving is allthe is needed to test it out..

I wanted this supp to work..even if i got half of what they claim i would prolly buy it..but im not a fool

you wanna be the fool and shell out 80 clams a month go just trying tosave some people a few bucks
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I bought the ppowder form, and no, it doesn't work immediately. The directions say 45 minutes . It's more like an hour, and for me, it worked more toward the fatigue reducer. I really wasn't paying attention to the 10% strength increase. I don't know if it was worth the $80, I'll know when I'm done with the stuff. By the way, this shit is disgusting.