Galenika testosteron depo


not normal
Been awhile since I posted stocking up for my next cycle just seeing if anyone has purchased any Galenika recently or in the past with a red and green around the tip of the ampules? I've seen them with the white around the rim of amp, products do come with box and have the newer paper on them. I would post a pic but pic has source info on them any help would be much appreciated.
It is one that may have counterfeits, if you don't know what to look for, I would use a source that guys you have known to use and had good results. It's too easy to get screwed on euro gear.
I still don't understand why members buy gear that is questionable. There's to many sources with quality reviews bloods listed ect to deal with iffy sources.
I purchased one box yesterday in farmacy. It contains five 1ml vials. Red and green on top like you described. Hope it helps.