gear and changing inj.sites


New member
courntley im injecting in the glutes (switching betwin left and right)

can i keep doing it for 8 weeks? or should i try other inj sites?

i can bear the pain, but as far as receptor sites, is 8 weeks inj in gluts will reduce gains?and i have to hit quad \delts and alternate to get the best out of my cycle?

*the gear is test prop.

thanx :druggie:
I rotate quads and glutes e3d. Like a clock...L quad, R quad, R glute, L glute (repeat). I like this rotation and don't feel like a pin cushion.
Old Balls said:
I rotate quads and glutes e3d. Like a clock...L quad, R quad, R glute, L glute (repeat). I like this rotation and don't feel like a pin cushion.

i wouldn't shoot the same location more than once a week. imo you are asking for a prob injecting the same site multiple times a week. old balls makes sense to me and that is along the lines of what most bro's do i think.
tman55 said:
i wouldn't shoot the same location more than once a week. imo you are asking for a prob injecting the same site multiple times a week. old balls makes sense to me and that is along the lines of what most bro's do i think.

i got abscesses from shooting the same spot constantly... do not do it and switch up injection sites
What crush said.

Switch it up. It's fun finding new places you like to inject! Explore your body lol!
i started injecting triceps and i fuckin love it!!!!!!!! tri's bi's chest, outer upper quad, inner lower quad (this one stung a little) and glute... those are my injections sites now
crushershockey said:
i started injecting triceps and i fuckin love it!!!!!!!! tri's bi's chest, outer upper quad, inner lower quad (this one stung a little) and glute... those are my injections sites now
youre a savage-
i rotate r delt,ldelt, r glute,l glute, r quad(upper or mid), l quad (same), r pec. l pec. never hit the same spot twice in one week- good rule of thumb.