Gear in Mexico


New member
Has anyone had any experience buying gear in Mexico? I am heading out there on a business trip and wanted to take advantage of the situation. Can you go to any pharmacy? What are the types of gear I would expect to find. Thanks....
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I just went to mexico on a cruise and you can buy gear at a pharmacy but it is very expencive. They did have vet grade gear for cheaper but for human grade it was so expencive it wasnt worth it. They do have clen, t3, and clomid at a cheap price so you can pick that up.
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I just started my first cycle test E 400 week 8 weeks - + Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) .6 cc per week and plan clomid after. It was a one time things but WOW does that shit work!
No – Sorry. I have a 10,000 USP bottle of Novarel reconstituted with 10 CC water. I am taking .6 cc once to twice per week
next time dont use so much water. you can use Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) with slin pins like .1 ml of fluid or less
tbomb24 said:
May I ask what they had and the prices? You said is was high but how much? thanks

No price discussion.........have you not noticed your original post in this thread was edited?
Has anyone found a good product in TJ lately? Just curious as to what the good brands are now a days. No sources, just making wondering. It seems everthing went to shit in the last 4 years in TJ.