gearing up for the final push


Your Girls Pay my Bills
been running 300mg teste and 50mcg of t3 this month and just broke 10% bf. body weight still slightly over 200. everything looks good but my lower stomach but hey what else is new. im hoping im holding a little water since im not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and that will help my look.
supps and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) on the way for pushing it hard now. everything is going to arrive withing the next week and ill just start it when i get it.

supps ill be running soon.
trex-never tried but i think i will like it. will try 2 caps a day and see how it holds down my app. honestly im eating 2400-2500 right now and rarely very hungry. with the trex ill drop it 2000 and see how it goes for a few weeks.
AIFM- was using a couple drops of letro a day but was still too hard on sex drive. ive liked aifm in the past as a mild Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and will start it at 2 pumps/day.

not sure what im gonna do with the t3 yet. maybe ill get more and run it at 100mcg/day again. with tren it makes me sweat terribly though. also considering a maint dose of 25mcg a day. that seems more likely.


300mg test e/week (same as now)
75mg tren eod.
winny... wanted caps but source ran out AFTER i sent funds so hes sending me injectible instead and i have no idea how much hes giving me for screwing up. if im lucky ill get enough to run 50mg/day but ill be happy with 25mg.
i could bump up the tren but dont see a reason too. tren+win for me= fukinshredded lol.

I CANT WAIT!!! I look the best i ever have right now and im hardly running anything at all. ill be looking siiiick middle of next month at about 8% or so with nasty cuts!

Notes on water retention: I used to think i was estro sensitive but i can control it all with diet now. for those of you that bloat easy do this:
cut out as much sodium as you can. 90% of my carbs sources these days are bananas and yams no lie. carbs 100-200g/day with a shit ton of water and if i really want to dry out i drink a gallon of distilled with the above diet.
im staying very dry on this without an AI.

ill post some pics at the end of the month, i want that baby gut gone before i put myself up again.

caliper pinches
1 inch below belly button=5
2 inches to left of belly button =8.
hoping to cut 1mm a week off the belly measures. ill lose fat elswhere but i really dont care about anything but my stomach.
Warmachine said:
been running 300mg teste and 50mcg of t3 this month and just broke 10% bf. body weight still slightly over 200. everything looks good but my lower stomach but hey what else is new. im hoping im holding a little water since im not using an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and that will help my look.
supps and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) on the way for pushing it hard now. everything is going to arrive withing the next week and ill just start it when i get it.

supps ill be running soon.
trex-never tried but i think i will like it. will try 2 caps a day and see how it holds down my app. honestly im eating 2400-2500 right now and rarely very hungry. with the trex ill drop it 2000 and see how it goes for a few weeks.
AIFM- was using a couple drops of letro a day but was still too hard on sex drive. ive liked aifm in the past as a mild Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and will start it at 2 pumps/day.

not sure what im gonna do with the t3 yet. maybe ill get more and run it at 100mcg/day again. with tren it makes me sweat terribly though. also considering a maint dose of 25mcg a day. that seems more likely.


300mg test e/week (same as now)
75mg tren eod.
winny... wanted caps but source ran out AFTER i sent funds so hes sending me injectible instead and i have no idea how much hes giving me for screwing up. if im lucky ill get enough to run 50mg/day but ill be happy with 25mg.
i could bump up the tren but dont see a reason too. tren+win for me= fukinshredded lol.

I CANT WAIT!!! I look the best i ever have right now and im hardly running anything at all. ill be looking siiiick middle of next month at about 8% or so with nasty cuts!

Notes on water retention: I used to think i was estro sensitive but i can control it all with diet now. for those of you that bloat easy do this:
cut out as much sodium as you can. 90% of my carbs sources these days are bananas and yams no lie. carbs 100-200g/day with a shit ton of water and if i really want to dry out i drink a gallon of distilled with the above diet.
im staying very dry on this without an AI.

ill post some pics at the end of the month, i want that baby gut gone before i put myself up again.

caliper pinches
1 inch below belly button=5
2 inches to left of belly button =8.
hoping to cut 1mm a week off the belly measures. ill lose fat elswhere but i really dont care about anything but my stomach.

Sounds great! I wish I could be this disciplined.My diet consists of anything I can get my hands on. Your goals sound easily attainable with your solid dedication. Good work bro.
source sent me 40mls of 50mg Winstrol (winny) instead. itll work i guess but doesnt really blow me away in terms of service...i guess ill find out. everybody says injectable Winstrol (winny) is stronger and i started 40mg/day last night. little tiny bit sore today but nothing really.

i tasted it too since peeps always bitch about it...hardly any taste at all.

got my supps too, 2 pumps aifm before bed last night and i woke up in the middle of the night with a hard on that wouldnt go away lol. thats why i love AIFM as an AI.
starting trex today and going for 2000kcal starts today.

stomach looks a little tighter so i must have had some test bloat after all. yesterday a lunch date turned into a cheat day turned into a binge day so who knows though.
will be better able to gauge water loss tomorrow.

vet company screwed up too so i wont be able to start tren till next week sometime.
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Why would you taste injectable winny?

Everything looks set though...I the exact same problem with the belly fat, I have the tiniest bit there I'm finding a bitch to get rid of.
thermorexin..anafit fat burner and i like it!

i tasted the win for the hell of it. ive heard it was bad but its mild i think
argh so yeah i can hardly move my leg. that 300mg/ml test i got just kicked my ass. one ml and my leg is fuct. going to have to find some b vits to cut it with.

oh yeah test flu hitting hard too...cant work tonight i got the chills so bad.

grrr...dont think ill go with AML again. this kid never gets the flu from his homebrew and thats what my future is looking like.
interestingly the strength of my flu symptoms seemed to positively corelate with the post injection pain in my leg. i feel great today and leg isnt bad at all.

did the heating pad last night for about an hour and it definatly helped. wtf is AML thinking putting so much fucking BA in his TE that its crippleing?
outlawtas2 said:
How much BA is it? I shoot 400mg/ml with only minor soreness...

god only knows, i didnt make it! most painful shit ive ever used by far. my thigh last night was too tender to touch...and i have a relatively high pain threshhold.
Dude, I would not inject the Winstrol (winny). It's the most paiful stuff ever invented. You know you can just drink it right? It's exactly the same chemically as is in the caps. Drinking one cc ED will give you the 50 mg ED you were wanting.
jediclampet said:
Dude, I would not inject the Winstrol (winny). It's the most paiful stuff ever invented. You know you can just drink it right? It's exactly the same chemically as is in the caps. Drinking one cc ED will give you the 50 mg ED you were wanting.

ive seen studies showing about 20% greater efficacy when winstrol is injected. supposedly its also easier on your liver. i wanted to try it. it really doesnt hurt much though the test does!
it'd be great if you had your blood tested and posted the results of injecatable vs. oral winny....dunno if you have any prior bloodwork to compare though. Injections will always have great absorbtion, and the benefit of being slightly easier on the liver.

Do you kno how your Winstrol (winny) was made?
fallen off the wagon the diet wagon for a few days. appetite is insane since Winstrol (winny) kicked in. thermorexin hardly dents it now.
you name it ive been eating it. candy bars. canned chili. cheap bread. ice cream. alcohol yesterday...

after being depleted for so long though i dont really look that bad. muscles are really fucking full lol. this shit is getting fixed tonight though. im hitting the store and cooking for the rest of the week. i dont think ill try to cut on 2200 anymore though lol.
back to 2500 and hit the cardio a little harder.