Gel or Injections?


New member
starting 10 week cycle of test 400, Noladex on hand if I notice gyno. I have both gel (Androgel) and injections... is gel much less afftective?
Sorry for the last post..still trying to navigate through the system..think I got it now.... Thanks!
Androgel doesn't hold a candle to Injectable Test. However, Androgel has one use; HRT.
alfarro214 said:
starting 10 week cycle of test 400, Noladex on hand if I notice gyno. I have both gel (Androgel) and injections... is gel much less afftective?
Sorry for the last post..still trying to navigate through the system..think I got it now.... Thanks!

Like Parker said, the gel doesn't hold a candle to the Inj, you can't even compare the two!..IMO ..and I actually tried it. I'm not on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) but was able to acquire the topical (to test it) and tried it during the first few weeks of a long ester (Cyp) cycle.. just to see the effects and if it's possible to use it as a "kick start" during a Cyp or Eth cycle. My conclusion was NO! I also did alot of research on it (i.e. absorption rate, pharmacology, indications, etc.) and the reason I could see using the gel would be for someone who has a below minimum test level and is only interested in raising it to a normal level. I've also heard feedback from these people who have tried both through their doctor and actually PREFER the injections as well. So to answer your question, yes, it could be much less effective depending on what you are trying to achieve. Hope that helps! :)