Gemany: Doctors and TRT -> E2 knowledge???


New member

has anybody in germany have had success to get an AI while being on TRT?
I have try it several times with any doctors and nobody knows about E2 as TRT problem and AI generally not allowed for man. But have heared Tamoxifene or Clomid could be, but is horrible the wrong sort of drug.

In things TRT it seems germany is still in the stone age!

Anyone here from germany?

No, can forget it completely and order it for myself again on other ways.
No urologists here have ever heared E2 is a problem under TRT... lol
Evtl. I'm going to an endocrinologist, but not now... no time for that now.

Only Clomit, Tamoxifene and such horrible dangerous things are listed for man, but not AI.
Using an AI for TRT in men is off-label usage around the world. Not just in Germany. You may have better luck just getting your own.

What is your E2 at right now and what is your TRT protocol?
I'M using around 100mg/week T Enanthate or Cyp. and because a bit more body (fat) I feel if E2 is too high (breast hurting, low libido, no energy, erections weaker,...). With little Aromasin (max 2x 1/2 pill/week) all is perfect again. :)

Ah, ok, was thinking in US is an AI a official treatment on TRT. Ok, ...
Is really bad that doctors don't overthink that and instead describe clomid or tamox... urgs. They don't know what they are doing! That's absolute the wrong medicine and only helpful on real gynecomastie and also absolute overdo, working wrong and risky.
If I ask because testing E2 doctors have a lack of understanding and don't check it. Have ordered a check over the web last year and was 43 what is light too high and also my protocol was lower. Now with no balls I have to take more. ;)

Good that this site here is existent for all TRT users!
43pg/ml for estradiol is not too high. Especially if you had the ECLIA assay done which is less accurate (generally comes in higher than it really is). Before you go on an AI, you should try injecting twice a week instead of once a week. This will lower your estradiol. With your lowdosage of testosterone, it is very likely that you do NOT need an AI. But the only way to know for sure is by getting blood work. Ask for the LC-MS/MS assay when checking estradiol.
Think it is higher now. Was no full TRT at this test.
Can real feel the effect of AI intake after any days and it's no placebo.
Have the same effect on gel every day, so the interval seems not to be the problem.

LC-MS/MS? Whats do you mean?
Gels aromatize much more than injections. Injecting twice a week instead of once can make a huge difference. I wouldn't base your decision on uoru past experience with gel.

Look up assays for estradiol. Some are more accurate than others (and cost more).
What effect would 2x weekly injection have? E. or C. has a halftime of around one week and on weekly injection the level should be absolute stable from accumulating effect of injections before.
At time also I can't feel any difference between gel and injection and would also see no reason for it. Theoretical it should be also better with gels, because the daily curve is nearly that of natural T production.
But, cant feel a difference.
As far I understand the result level of E2 is only generated from available aromastase enzyme and the free T what can dock on to the enzymes. Ever more one of both are available is, so higher is the possibility of both to meet the other component and so higher is the produced E2 amount. So yes, the badest thing is a heavy up and down but weekly or 2x weekly ...?
Perfect would be a daily measuring of E2 for checking the theories, but no doctor is interested in such things.
I wondering that o one has the ambition to publish new knowledge in his own name for scientific fame ... ??? ;)
This is a wide field mit really much open questions who are easy to find out.

I think on me is the problematic factor my bodyfat and so much more aromastase enzymes. :(
What would help me is to lose fat... I try that... lol

Yes, I can try it 2x weekly but are not have hope.
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