george st pierre fucked matt like a bitch

that was the best fight ever, damn i was so happy when he got koed............silvia fight sucked to bad. Monson couldnt hit em and silvia wasn't doing shit
The Syliva fight sucked so fucking bad. He didnt throw more than 5 punches the whole 5 rounds. Monson was simply overwhelmed by the height difference and reach advantage of Sylvia.

GSP deserved that KO. Matt has talent for sure, but GSP owned him the entire fight. Nice bit of irony, Matt caught a few nut taps from some low kicks and stopped the fight twice. Next thing you know GSP throws it a bit higher and gets the KO. Hilarious.
DougoeFre5h said:
The Syliva fight sucked so fucking bad. He didnt throw more than 5 punches the whole 5 rounds. Monson was simply overwhelmed by the height difference and reach advantage of Sylvia.

Sylvia is a disgrace to mma. He has honed his circus freak body to perfection so that he can win matches without actually fighting. He will do anything he can to sit on his belt even if it means two 5 round snoozers in a row. The best part was when everyone booed him when he won.
LiftTillIDie said:
Sylvia is a disgrace to mma. He has honed his circus freak body to perfection so that he can win matches without actually fighting. He will do anything he can to sit on his belt even if it means two 5 round snoozers in a row. The best part was when everyone booed him when he won.

Ill agree Sylvia is the worst to watch and in the shittiest condition for a pro athlete ever but he did slip out of a few revers naked chokes in that fight which was impressive and he did some ncie damaga to munson when munson was on top of him. But i agree I hate Sylvia.

GSP was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!
LivingSculpture said:
Ill agree Sylvia is the worst to watch and in the shittiest condition for a pro athlete ever but he did slip out of a few revers naked chokes in that fight which was impressive and he did some ncie damaga to munson when munson was on top of him. But i agree I hate Sylvia.

GSP was siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick!
But how about the last fight where the big blk guy got knocked out cold!
silvia vs monson was so boring.......i was hoping for monson to win but, thats clearly wasn't gonna happen,brandon vera will take the belt away from him
sylvia cant fight, its thats simple. no one can take himt right now only because hes 6 foot fucking 8. one arm is the length of my body. fuck that barrel of hay throwing peice of shit.

GSP owned matt in everyway possible. stayed calm and picked matt apart. the nut kicks were in fact not nut kicks. my interpertation of it is, when matt knows he starts to lose he pulls the "o my nuts" card out and takes a breather. fuck matt.

GSP is the man! i went fucking nuts when he stopmed that meatball out.
deadbeatrec said:
GSP owned matt in everyway possible. stayed calm and picked matt apart. the nut kicks were in fact not nut kicks. my interpertation of it is, when matt knows he starts to lose he pulls the "o my nuts" card out and takes a breather. fuck matt.

In the post-fight press conference Hughes even admitted he wasn't getting hit in the nuts.
Matt didn't even realize that it was a leg kick that knocked him the fuck out. He thought that it was a punch! GSP not only owned his stupid ass but played him in the after fights comments saying that Matt would be back someday. In a beautiful fashion GSP patted Matt on the head and said that he could come back. Matt Hughs is done!