Gettin nothing from homemade clen.


Delectable Injectables
Been gradually increasing my dose of homemade clen and am up to 150mcg and gettin nothing, no shakes, no increased heart beat, notta. Gonna pick up a thermometer tommorrow and see if my body temp is raised. Powder is from a reliable place but I'm starting to have second thoughts...This is my first time with clen so maybe I'm just one of the lucky few who doesn't get hit the shaking/cramping sides like most?
Could very well be.

Coming from someone who has seen hundreds of people on the SAME clen batch - not everyone reacts the same. One guy will tell you he almost went to the emergency room while the next guys thinks the batch is bunk.

Just be sure that you mixed the concentrate well before you started making the children. Were talking mcg here, if there is a small error in the concentrate batch its multiplied by the increase in volume to the children batches.
Running the numbers I'm gonna lean toward the side of being resistant to clen sides, unless my math is wrong with accounting for errors in the measurment of the water there'd be little difference in my dose.

I measured out 166ml total + the 1g of clen which should = 166.67 and resulting in a 100mcg/ml soluion at the end.

If I had mixed the 1g of clen with 163ml of water it would look like:

(1000mg clen / 163.67 ) x 1000 = 6109.855mcg/ml

6109.855 / 60ml = 101.83mcg/ml

Accounting for an even greater variance by assuming my "child" batch is mismeasured by 5ml I'd have:

6109.855 / 55ml = 111.088mcg/ml

If I had mixed the 1g of clen with 170ml of water it would look like:

(1000mg clen / 170.67 ) x 1000 = 5859.2605mcg/ml

5859.2605 / 60ml = 97.654 mcg/ml

Assuming its "watered down" 10ml extra would give me:

5859.2605 / 70ml = 83.703mcg/ml

So its safe to say I'm within a range of 80-110mcg/ml (I'm terrible at math so that might be wrong), so I feel a little bit better. Not sure why i just typed all that, I guess for people with future questions about clen brew adventures :)
I was just about to say the same thing.........Its better to type it all out for the people who will want to ask the same questions!

I normally just add a little bit of clen to water, Enough for a couple weeks + some
Say 3mg to 60ml water
works great for me!

good post, good luck - take care
VooDooMan said:
I normally just add a little bit of clen to water, Enough for a couple weeks + some
Say 3mg to 60ml water
works great for me!

Please tell me you're a bit more exact than that with the measurements, lol.
Like I said 3mg into a vial along side 6ml of water

do the math, .0003 devided by 60ml = .00005 ( 50 mcg )
I work in a lab and thus I have access to a couple analytical scales
Quick question, I see pople using everclear and such for their tamoxiphen citrate and anastrozole suspensions / solutions..........I was wondering since I dont use that, I use destilled H2o, Am I at any risk of doing this?
I mean its destilled and should be free of any real dangers, How about shelf life? What do you presume it to be?!

Anastrozole is is hsa the fallowing for H20
H2O Solubility - 0.5 mg/mL

I think thats above 20C or rougly there, so say room temp water.........I never really had problem - I usualy just double the amount of water, so instead of going max .5mg to 1 ml
ill go .5mg to 2ml or similar!

Take care guys
VooDooMan said:
Like I said 3mg into a vial along side 6ml of water

do the math, .0003 devided by 60ml = .00005 ( 50 mcg )
I work in a lab and thus I have access to a couple analytical scales

I wasn't doubting your math, just by your post it sounded like you kinda mixed it up like a cocktail without care of measure and numbers, lol :druggie:
LOL I am sure that I wouldnt be here talking to you........I never once messed up on any lab work, Hence why I work in a lab - part time - part time in school

take care