No results after 120mcg of clen???


New member
This is my first time using clen.

Started at 20mcg on monday, today is Sat and I'm up to 120mcg. I haven't felt any of the sides of clen. No shaking/cramping/headaches. My temp really doesn't feel like its elevated. According to the thermometer my temp is 97.3 degrees.

The only thing that I have noticed is when I go outside I sweat a tad bit more.

Should I bump the dose to 140 tommorow? This is starting to piss me off. I trust my source, but maybe I should give me a call and see whats up?

BTW I don't know the brand of the clen, I was told it was called "double
strength clen" So one of the tabs is 40mcg's.

Oh, and I am taking doxycycline pills for acne. Maybe there is a possible drug interaction??
They are white and circular. From what I have seen of other clen pictures, they look to be the same size as normal clen. However neither side has any markings or scores in them. On some pills there are a few tiny craters on some of the sides....which makes me think they almost look home-made.
Either something is counter acting against the clen or you have to take more. I started to get the hands shakes with clen at 140mcgs so I lower it back to 120. It got me vascular and more defined. At the doseage your taking you should feel it by now. Check the drug profiles to see what is doing that. Interesting.