Getting back in and have Cyp/test 200ml,chrorionic gan. , drostanolone prop,and stanz


New member
Im just getting back into the more serious side of bulking up and slimming down.
39yrs old, used to compete in various strength competitions when in late teens and fell out of the gym about 7 yrs ago. Been working out again since last august, seeing some results and weight loss. 5'11, was 240 gotten down to 211 as of now. I can actually do some pull ups now!

I have the above items as well as an estrogen blocker in pill form,
I've never bought this many items at once, and in my early 20's i would just do cyp and nothing else. Did 2 cycles back then.
So I am reading up on all of these that I got from a pharmacy.

I am unclear on how to stack these or when to begin say the winny while on the cyp, and hold the chorionic for PCT.
Also Not completely sure on how much how many times a week. I have read so many posts that say 200mg once a week? I am used to 2 days a week at 300-400 with tapering off towards the end. Anyway, with the 5 items Cyp, DHT, Stan and
the water and powdered Chorionic Ganadotropin and the un nammed white pills for est blocker.
anyone have some suggestions on how to map these out? maybe some stacking??

Thanks for any words.
I have been looking thru, but wasnt sure if I would be considered a "1st timer" cycler. Though obviously need to keep reading up.
How would someone map out the items I have? I am not apposed to doing Test only first cycle, but, have read bringing winny into it mid stream can help keep the bloating down. I know its personal preferences, but, Ive spent tens of hours reading up on the items I have and seen 100's of plans of stacks, PCT, timming and dosages. If anyone can help with this specific line up I have I would really appreciate some guidance on my products
Welcome to Ology !

A pic would be great s been awhile so lets go simple, OK ?

1 compound at a time so we see how u do and if, when and howmuch anti e u may need; I d also use the hcg not just for nut shrinkage but to keep ur hpta as close to homeostasis as possible while you augment w exo test.

How much of those compounds you have ? If you have enough I d go with
400-500 mgs cyp for 10-12-14-16 weeks split into 2 shots.
Tapering is NO GOOD....old bro science.

HCG 125-250 iu s after about 2 week s in...2 - 3 times a week.

Cyp, w me takes every bit of a month FOR ME to notice in the gym...I start with morning wood around 7-10 days ; but we are all different.

I would not stack at this point. Anti e s are good to have for various reasons..bloat, gyno...bloodwork only can tell. but e is important to much is no good..nuking it is no good either.

Many different opinions on winny I m 51 and besides skewing my already skewed lipids it dries my arthritic joint s out so bad I can t even enjoy settling in for a good read on the crapper...getting out of the tub is that is me.

Other s will add to my paltry contribution.
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Welcome to Ology !

A pic would be great s been awhile so lets go simple, OK ?

1 compound at a time so we see how u do and if, when and howmuch anti e u may need; I d also use the hcg not just for nut shrinkage but to keep ur hpta as close to homeostasis as possible while you augment w exo test.

How much of those compounds you have ? If you have enough I d go with
400-500 mgs cyp for 10-12-14-16 weeks split into 2 shots.
Tapering is NO GOOD....old bro science.

HCG 125-250 iu s after about 2 week s in...2 - 3 times a week.

Cyp, w me takes every bit of a month FOR ME to notice in the gym...I start with morning wood around 7-10 days ; but we are all different.

I would not stack at this point. Anti e s are good to have for various reasons..bloat, gyno...bloodwork only can tell. but e is important to much is no good..nuking it is no good either.

Many different opinions on winny I m 51 and besides skewing my already skewed lipids it dries my arthritic joint s out so bad I can t even enjoy settling in for a good read on the crapper...getting out of the tub is that is me.

Other s will add to my paltry contribution.

Thank you very much,
I have 5ml of cyp,
100 mg of stanzol and drostanolone
5000usp of the yet to be mixed CGH
some white pills with "a1" on them I forgot what they were called right now, but remember thinking an est blocker..

But I was told I had enough for about 4 months of material.
So I am going to use straight Cyp I got another bottle of 25ml at 250/ml so I have 30ml total. On the new bttl it is 250/ml Going to run it for about 8 maybe 12 weeks depending on how its doing for me. 350-400ml each week, I have some Anastrozole and the HCG, but, not sure when in say a 12 weekcycle weather do use them and when to begin if I do use them.
read the link, read so many forums I am confused on whats what.

Cyp 450 a week 2 injections,
hcg 500 iu every 3.5/4 days
half mg of anastrozole a day
pushing lower carb, doubled up cardio low and slow with some jogging in addition to 4 day weight training.

This sound like a simple correct cycle? Also was looking at Napsgear and PSL for some PCT items
Welcome to Ology !

A pic would be great s been awhile so lets go simple, OK ?

1 compound at a time so we see how u do and if, when and howmuch anti e u may need; I d also use the hcg not just for nut shrinkage but to keep ur hpta as close to homeostasis as possible while you augment w exo test.

How much of those compounds you have ? If you have enough I d go with
400-500 mgs cyp for 10-12-14-16 weeks split into 2 shots.
Tapering is NO GOOD....old bro science.

HCG 125-250 iu s after about 2 week s in...2 - 3 times a week.

Cyp, w me takes every bit of a month FOR ME to notice in the gym...I start with morning wood around 7-10 days ; but we are all different.

I would not stack at this point. Anti e s are good to have for various reasons..bloat, gyno...bloodwork only can tell. but e is important to much is no good..nuking it is no good either.

Many different opinions on winny I m 51 and besides skewing my already skewed lipids it dries my arthritic joint s out so bad I can t even enjoy settling in for a good read on the crapper...getting out of the tub is that is me.

Other s will add to my paltry contribution.

I have a pic from week one of my cyp cycle. since this pic I have gained 12/13lbs. I have upped my cardio to daily either walking on incline with heart at 120 or transport machine. So far strength has definately increased. My diet is very tight, very low sodium, 1 cheat day a week, 1 drinking day only(weekend). Main food daily is grilled skinless chicken breasts, Protien shake typically with blueberries, bananas and sometimes penutbutter. With dinner having steamed greens.
current supps are
Milk Thistle, CoQ10,Zinc, BCAA's, Diim, L Argentine, Multi vitamin..

I am currently doing
Cyp 475-500mg/week,
HCG 50iu e3 days
Mastron e3.5 days 100mg.
anastozole at about .5 mg per day depending.
i used them bio techs was g2g

They seem nice,
I am going to try PSL cyp and some PCT items from them as well. Read so many good and bad reviews its hard to tell whats what, but, if they are still around and backed by some major members here I figured I would give a try. I currently went from the Tri-coast pharmacy Cyp
( real nice, smooth and instant tit and ball throbbage), to current RivalPharma until PSL gets here. RP seems ok, i just dont like the jazzy labeling, real cartoonish, I like plain pharmacy labels or I second guess myself while working out :(
So hopefully you did some reading? Save the dostrolone and winstrol for later use. You won't even see anything from them until you get quite a bit leaner. Like under 12% BF you appear to be near the 20-24% mark now. You really don't have enough of either to run an effective cycle even if you were lean enough.

If I were you I would run the test only at 500 a week for 12 weeks along with some serious and intelligent dieting bring your BF down to a level where you can actually benefit from the gains you will get when you go back to a caloric surplus. The test is just there to keep what muscle you have while you lean down. Then after your lean go for a mass builder still keeping your BF below 14%.

If your ok with stimulants good ole fashioned ECA is tough to beat that with T3. But please learn how to use T3 don't just buy it and use it. It can mess you up if you don't respect it.

Oh and feel free to abbreviate to HCG:)
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I am currently doing
Cyp 475-500mg/week,
HCG 50iu e3 days
Mastron e3.5 days 100mg.
anastozole at about .5 mg per day depending.

500 mg of test is fine,,but

50 iu of hcg,, how can you even dose and inject that small an amount

Masteron at 200 mg a week,, seems like a waste of expensive gear. Are u taking that small an amount thinking it is working as a slight anti E .. ?

Well you don't need any more anti E,, cause your running .5mg of AI every day,, man your bound to crash your e2!
500 mg of test is fine,,but

50 iu of hcg,, how can you even dose and inject that small an amount

Masteron at 200 mg a week,, seems like a waste of expensive gear. Are u taking that small an amount thinking it is working as a slight anti E .. ?

Well you don't need any more anti E,, cause your running .5mg of AI every day,, man your bound to crash your e2!

Good eye!! Guess i need to look more closely at these. So many things wrong with this cycle. But I bet the OP has read more and seen the error of his ways. .5 a day on 500mg of test is a bit much. More like .5 E3D. But I have heard of guys needing this much were all different and unless its pharm grade Adex it could be low dosed. But for a beginner until they learn what low and high E feels like I would always recommend going for the pharm grade Adex until you know what your doing. I use Exemstane now. But still have Adex on hand just in case.

HCG should be more like 250iu E3D's