Getting blood work done


New member
Now everyone talks about getting blood work done, and it sounds like something that should be done. I am on my third cycle now and was wondering if after this one I should get it done? Furthermore when you go to the doctors office, do you just ask to have your blood tested? Generally how much does it cost? Sorry if these are lame questions haha.
for me it cost 25$ depends on insurance! i ask for complete blood test! when you get with doc. let him know what its for. i dont lie to the doc! but thats me! then just so happen if anything is wrong he'll help!
mmmm, I am a student and still on my parents insurance. I don't think that they would be too pleased to see that I got blood work for some strange reason.... Haha so I would have to pay for it all myself. Anyone not use insurance who could tell me how much it runs. Also if you go to a doc and say ur on gear is there potentially something they could do to get you in trouble? Like would it always be in your best interest to let your doc know what your doing?
a few hundred $ easy! as far as the doc saying anything.....well thats a privacy violation!!!! he is not allowed to by law! i personally tell mine! but thats me!
well that depends on if your doc is cool i would tell the doc what your plans he knows what to look for good luck
im about to do my BW for the first time....right now im going to just say im going on a real strict high protien diet and want to be checked out before hitting it hard....then after post cycle therapy (pct) i will get it done again....and we will see how things look if he has ?s ill probably be honest with him....i would just worry about it going in my medical record...i.e. they document bad cholestorol or something i have also thought about just trying to find a clinic....that way no worries.
Ducati996j said:
mmmm, I am a student and still on my parents insurance. I don't think that they would be too pleased to see that I got blood work for some strange reason.... Haha so I would have to pay for it all myself. Anyone not use insurance who could tell me how much it runs. Also if you go to a doc and say ur on gear is there potentially something they could do to get you in trouble? Like would it always be in your best interest to let your doc know what your doing?
Everytime I go to the doc to get bloodwork I allways tell them the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) or anything else I might be taking. However it is important for you to tell your doctor that you DO NOT want that to go into your file. Insurance may be rated or even cancelled if you dont.
Last visit went like this...because it was very obvious that I was on some muscle building supplements.
Doc: Are you taking any Anabolic steroids
Me: None that I would want to be documented
Doc: I dont have to write everything down that you tell me.