getting help with first injection?

i'm not changing my mind or anything, was just wanting to be clear. but that's good to hear, hope i will feel the same.

I didn't mean to come off as a smart ass. But what I said is true. If I can feel better, anybody can. The shots get easier with time. I wish you the best.
Username: keep asking questions we are all here to help & learn. If you need a video I could make you one and email it to you or search google. Lots of good stuff there.
Hi everyone, i am about to start my first cycle of Test ethnanate 500 mg wk for 8 weeks with dbol and anavar for first 4 wk using arimidex ed for anti e.
Any suggestions on cycle please advise.

i was wondering for my post cycle therapy (pct) I'm using hcg when should i begin using it? after my last shot? and how long should i use for and how much..?
Seriously, to the OP, you are overanalyzing this. I've been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) since March. My wife and I separated on Dec. 1, so I've been doing my own injections since then. My best advice is "just do it". I use 1" 22 1/2 gauge syringes/needles for my test and 5/8" 25 gauge syringes for my HCG. For test I draw with 18 gauge. For HCG I draw and inject w/ the same 25 gauge 5/8" syringe. I'm going to take Mopar's advice and start injecting the HCG in any pinch of body fat cause it's too hard to reach around and try to do a glute. To the OP, just make sure your needle is pushed STRAIGHT in(90 degree angle). There's nothing to be scared of. Seriously, the shoulder is very easy to self inject and I have almost zero pain and less runout of the test than with the glute.
I think it's easiest to pin HCG in the stomach area. I just grab some skin a few inches away from the belly button and pin it. Most of the time I cannot even feel the pin. Just be careful when you draw the HCG from the vial, any slight bend on the end of the needle head and it does not go through the skin as easy.
Methos, I think I must've bent the last needle cause it was hard to get it through the skin...especially for a 25G needle.
Username: keep asking questions we are all here to help & learn. If you need a video I could make you one and email it to you or search google. Lots of good stuff there.

appreciate it but, I think I'll probably get it. lots of good info in here, learned some new things. before i actually do it i'll watch more videos on google or youtube. i guess one question I might as well ask, is about aspirating, since I've never done anything with needles I probably don't understand it but, once I get the meds and see the syringe I probably would but, anyway I'll just ask.

ok so when I pull medicine out of the bottle with the syringe so the plunger is being pulled back, right? so when you put the needle in, how do you aspirate if you have pulled medicine out and the plunger is pulled back already? either i'm guessing that the whole syringe vial is not filled with medicine so there's space to pull the plunger back some to aspirate?

sorry probably dumb question like I said I would probably understand it once it's infront of me but, thought I'd just ask.
do you guys wear those medical gloves or anything while you're handling the medicine or changing the needles like an 18 to draw and then a 22.5 to inject? or you just wash your hands really well, and use those alcohol swabs?

also now that i think about it i may not even be so nervous to do this since recently my blood sugar test came out really high (since i started exercising and changing my diet it's coming out normal) so I got a blood glucose meter and I test my glucose almost daily so I have to pin myself to draw blood, there's a slight sting and that's it, from the sounds of it by people saying they don't feel anything when injecting test, then that sounds even easier than checking your glucose.
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You will get it once you get the HRT meds and start. Once you pull the oil into the pin the correct amout:
1 remove from vial
2 pull plunger back with pin upwards
3 remove pin tip
4 swap on new fresh pin tip
5. Push plunger forwards until small drop of oil comes out of pin tip
6. Swab area to be injected
8 let alcohol from swab evaporate
9. Pin into body (just jab in smooth)
10. Asperate: leaving pin all the way in body pull back on plunger 1/4" or so, if no blood gets into pin your fine
11. Inject over a period of 60 sec
12 pull pin out
13 swab area clean with fresh alcohol prep pad
14 massage area for 60 sec
15 done
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Wash hands, dry, use alcohol prep to clean vial and injection spot.

do you guys wear those medical gloves or anything while you're handling the medicine or changing the needles like an 18 to draw and then a 22.5 to inject? or you just wash your hands really well, and use those alcohol swabs?

also now that i think about it i may not even be so nervous to do this since recently my blood sugar test came out really high (since i started exercising and changing my diet it's coming out normal) so I got a blood glucose meter and I test my glucose almost daily so I have to pin myself to draw blood, there's a slight sting and that's it, from the sounds of it by people saying they don't feel anything when injecting test, then that sounds even easier than checking your glucose.
do you guys wear those medical gloves or anything while you're handling the medicine or changing the needles like an 18 to draw and then a 22.5 to inject? or you just wash your hands really well, and use those alcohol swabs?

also now that i think about it i may not even be so nervous to do this since recently my blood sugar test came out really high (since i started exercising and changing my diet it's coming out normal) so I got a blood glucose meter and I test my glucose almost daily so I have to pin myself to draw blood, there's a slight sting and that's it, from the sounds of it by people saying they don't feel anything when injecting test, then that sounds even easier than checking your glucose.

I used to use medical gloves and to be honest I found them to be a hassle. Just wash your hands thoroughly, but if you feel more comfortable using them then buy a box.

You have a lot of good info here. When I first started I was really scared, I used to shake and sweat like crazy! Think of it like this.. would you rather suffer for the rest of your life? Or would you rather start this therapy that will help you in the long run?
No need for gloves. Fast hand wash. 2 alcohol wipes. 1 for vial top, 1 for injection site. Start with vial top, then injection site. Start on spot circular motion outwards.
The nurse at my endo showed me how with a fake skin pad. I inj in thighs - never feel a thing with insulin pins (just takes a little longer to load.) First few times are a bit scary because you don't know what to expect, but you'll be a pro in no time.
Is it necesary to get one of those biohazard containers for the used needles? There's nobody else here what if I put it in a zip lock baggie and put in the trash can? Are those containers for safety issues so nobody else gets hit with it or can some kind of airborne virus appear or something crazy?