New member
Current stats are as follows:
35 y/o
6'1 tall (posted 6'2 last year by mistake)
13% bf
Will be hiring 3J for nutrition. Been meaning to do that for quite sometime but funds were tight for a bit.
Last cycle was test/tren/drol
Plan for next cycle:
Wk 1-22 75mg test p ed
Wk 1-12 100mg NPP ed
Wk 1-20 1g eq/wk
Wk 1-8 50mcg t3 ed
Not sure if it would be best to run the t3 in the beginning or end?
Hcg will be ran from day 1 up to a couple of days before pct at 250iu 2x wk
Stane, nova and clomid on hand
Prami and letro on hand if needed.
Will be donating blood as well to keep rbc's down
I think I've covered everything.
Comments/suggestions welcome
35 y/o
6'1 tall (posted 6'2 last year by mistake)
13% bf
Will be hiring 3J for nutrition. Been meaning to do that for quite sometime but funds were tight for a bit.
Last cycle was test/tren/drol
Plan for next cycle:
Wk 1-22 75mg test p ed
Wk 1-12 100mg NPP ed
Wk 1-20 1g eq/wk
Wk 1-8 50mcg t3 ed
Not sure if it would be best to run the t3 in the beginning or end?
Hcg will be ran from day 1 up to a couple of days before pct at 250iu 2x wk
Stane, nova and clomid on hand
Prami and letro on hand if needed.
Will be donating blood as well to keep rbc's down
I think I've covered everything.
Comments/suggestions welcome