Getting ready for PCT


New member
I've been off gear for two weeks tommorow after a 10 week cycle of 375mg aratest and 200mg deca. Should I wait one more week so its three weeks after my last shot to start taking my clomid and "off cycle", or is two alright since the amount of test was maybe not enough to still be at its active level at this point.
your usually suppose to wait 3 weeks when deca is involved but your dose was so low that you might get away with starting your post cycle therapy (pct) at the 2 week mark
Even though your dose was not "extreme", remembert that the half life of ethanate (which I think aratest is) and deca are both long. So you have built up each week's injections over time so at 10 weeks you may have over a gram of test in your system. Given a 2 week half life (which I'm not sure test E has but as an example) you will still hav over 500mg of test in your system 2 weeks after your last injection.

That being said. Why not start early and run your post cycle therapy (pct) an extra week?
try start using nolva now post cycle therapy (pct) and then wait a week and do nolva/clomid for next three weeks--anyway i plan on using nolva post cycle therapy (pct) only-sides are less risky-clomid i wanted to shoot myself and it seems to have damaged my eyes
do you even need post cycle therapy (pct) with that low of a dose? 375mg/w of test is not much more than Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). and 200mg/w of deca is what they give for medical doses. and on top of that ara test is a combo of prop and enan. the prop is prolly aleardy out of your system or getting close.

answer these questions honestly. did your nuts shrink? are your loads still big? how much weight did you gain? how much did your core lifts increase?