Getting rid of abdominal fat


New member
ok, here is the skinny of my problem...

Used to be(3 years ago) in tremendous shape...5'11, 200, very solid...never had the abs, but wasnt fat either.

well, fast forward 3 years and about 200 kegs later and i weigh 230lbs and 26yrs two weeks into getting back into shape...the arms and the chest are starting to show again nicely...but what about this gut???? i eat protein and veggies...i eat around 6 times a day...i do the 45 min of cardio in addition to working out. I know im losing weight cuz i can see it in my face and neck, but it just seems that this bowling ball hasnt shrunk an INCH!!! any help would be greatly appreciated. supplements? certain foods? I try to eat mostly chicken and fish...thanks in advance
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Your making progress, just keep doing what you are doing and you should see your gut start to shrink sooner or later. But as long as you are making progress you are doing fine.
Bigdaddy_vh said:
ok, here is the skinny of my problem...

Used to be(3 years ago) in tremendous shape...5'11, 200, very solid...never had the abs, but wasnt fat either.

well, fast forward 3 years and about 200 kegs later and i weigh 230lbs and 26yrs two weeks into getting back into shape...the arms and the chest are starting to show again nicely...but what about this gut???? i eat protein and veggies...i eat around 6 times a day...i do the 45 min of cardio in addition to working out. I know im losing weight cuz i can see it in my face and neck, but it just seems that this bowling ball hasnt shrunk an INCH!!! any help would be greatly appreciated. supplements? certain foods? I try to eat mostly chicken and fish...thanks in advance

sounds like you're on the right track.. it takes time and often comes off according to your genetic tendancies.. abdominal fat is usually the last to come off (for women, add the fat in the hip-saddle area too). i am always shredded in my upper body, even when my abs are not.. but this is my genetic pre-disposition.. we are all a little different. i wouldn't resort to anything drastic to lose it faster.. i don't think that your losses will be healthy or long term if u do so. u should lose about 2lb a week. u can see that you're losing.. concentrate on keeping from plateau'ing.. and know that once you arrive, you'll be all the more thankful and hopefully determined to keep your diet in check after going through this. it gets more challenging the older you get (i should know).. so this is the time to get a grip on it.

before my last show, i gained 30lb.. in approx 8 months (mostly due to over-training, and total exhaustion).. it was a challenge to get it off, but moreover (being older), my skin didn't 'spring back' to it's taught state as it was previously.. so i had lost all the weight, but the skin hadn't yet tightened up much to my horror. i don't believe i'll ever let things get that out of hand again..

others here may have some more suggestions for you.. but from the info you've given, sounds like you're making the expected progress. all the best.. keep us updated.
I'm going through the same thing right now bro. Just keep that diet strict as all hell... I actually had to step up my cardio and reduce the shit out of my calories before my gut actually started to show a change. But it sounds like your on the right track man! Good luck, post some pics of your progress, it helped me out alot! Keep it up man!
Bigdaddy_vh said:
ok, here is the skinny of my problem...

Used to be(3 years ago) in tremendous shape...5'11, 200, very solid...never had the abs, but wasnt fat either.

well, fast forward 3 years and about 200 kegs later and i weigh 230lbs and 26yrs two weeks into getting back into shape...the arms and the chest are starting to show again nicely...but what about this gut???? i eat protein and veggies...i eat around 6 times a day...i do the 45 min of cardio in addition to working out. I know im losing weight cuz i can see it in my face and neck, but it just seems that this bowling ball hasnt shrunk an INCH!!! any help would be greatly appreciated. supplements? certain foods? I try to eat mostly chicken and fish...thanks in advance

The last place you burn fat is your bowling ball. So first you have to get rid of the thigh and ass fat before you body starts feeding from the bowling ball.
Bigdaddy_vh said:
ok, here is the skinny of my problem...

Used to be(3 years ago) in tremendous shape...5'11, 200, very solid...never had the abs, but wasnt fat either.

well, fast forward 3 years and about 200 kegs later and i weigh 230lbs and 26yrs two weeks into getting back into shape...the arms and the chest are starting to show again nicely...but what about this gut???? i eat protein and veggies...i eat around 6 times a day...i do the 45 min of cardio in addition to working out. I know im losing weight cuz i can see it in my face and neck, but it just seems that this bowling ball hasnt shrunk an INCH!!! any help would be greatly appreciated. supplements? certain foods? I try to eat mostly chicken and fish...thanks in advance

You've already got some great advice so I'll just put my 2-cents in...
I've been there so I know the routine. I know you said your diet is clean but watch out for all the little things that add up. Meaning, sugars and carbs. The fastest I ever lost my gut was on extreme low carb dieting. The first few (2-3) weeks of that should be a "carb depletion or fast mode" where you basically ONLY eat lean protein and small amounts of veggies. What I mean by that is absolutely NO SUGARS, this means cut out the fruit and dairy as well (all have high natural sugars). After the third week of little to no carbs you can start to add in a very small amount for the next few weeks.
You'll notice an immediate difference. :)
Some men have viseral fat in the abdominal lining and predisposed to it (may be genetic). If it is attached to the organs it is even harder to loose. It is def the hardest thing to loose if you have this, and it sounds from what you discribe, that you have. It has nothing really to do with the diet, of course unless you are eating fats and simple carbs, sugars, and sodium. A person who is predisposed to this viseral fat has to be almost to the point of obsessive with watching what you are eating (no processed food, no trans/sat fats, even nuts of any kind, put no sodium or salt in your diet, and absolutely no sugars ie watch your GI like hell, lol!) Also, you may need to even up the cardio and really concentrate on those abs. I hate to say it, and i do not condone its use, but you may also have to resort to some clen, say starting w/40mcgs 2 days on 2 day off, and ramp up to like 80-100mcg max only, but you can run clen longer if you are doing the 2 days on 2 off, as opposed to 2wks on 2wks off. Also, take at least 2000mg of taurine a day while doing the clen. I have been doing the helios and it really seems to help, as i have tried about every transdermal they make and none of which works. Only thing about the helios is that you get really hot and especially if you wake up in the middle of the night, but it is other then clen, the only thing that i have really saw any visible difference. You might also want to take a look at what kind of protein powders you are taking in and how many and what the ingrediants are, and also how many supplements, as in pills you are taking. All of which can have a tendancy to bloat you out if you are taking too much. I found, and i only use pure isolate, that if i take it after 5pm it will tend to bloat me out, even the next day. I would only take the powdered protein in the am and mid-afternoon, and you may want to cut down on some of the supplements you are taking, if they are not necessary. In the diet, raw and whole unprocessed foods are the best (fish-baked, or poached, egg whites, i put raw in my shakes or cooked, yams, brown rices, all kinds of veggies except the ones with high sugars like carrots, very lean meats, chicken, etc these are all good) absolutely no cheating if you want results. I know it sounds strick, but if you are one of many that has this viseral fat in the abdomen, you will never get rid of it, if you don't have very dicipline habits.
the gut

you and I have the same problem, same weights, same time. the last time I lost the weight and the gut, it took me two years of cardio and lifting. I'm hoping that somehow it goes faster this time. I was at 235 and I've gotten down to 219 in three weeks and my wife and belt notices the difference. I was using a diet pill that made me not hungry. I had to force myself to eat cause I knew I had to. usually eating was fruits and very small portions. I still felt good but I was seeing a differnence and quick. I ran out of the little diet suckers so I ordered more and they just got here today. some of the diet pills make you feel queezy and about ready to pass out so just take one when you are home for the day and then use only one for a few days until your body gets used to it. just give it some time and lots of water. cardio is best for losing the gut. don't do abs training cause it can cause your gut to grow muscles. and it doesn't burn the fat either. when you do cardio it burns the fat all over your body so do some weights where you don't want to lose the muscle. Protien shakes are great if you're in shape already but if you are not they just add to the problem. I limit myself to one 8 oz. shake before training and another after but don't drink them for pleasure. they make you fat too. let me know how you're doing. mike
msalerno said:
you and I have the same problem, same weights, same time. the last time I lost the weight and the gut, it took me two years of cardio and lifting. I'm hoping that somehow it goes faster this time. I was at 235 and I've gotten down to 219 in three weeks and my wife and belt notices the difference. I was using a diet pill that made me not hungry. I had to force myself to eat cause I knew I had to. usually eating was fruits and very small portions. I still felt good but I was seeing a differnence and quick. I ran out of the little diet suckers so I ordered more and they just got here today. some of the diet pills make you feel queezy and about ready to pass out so just take one when you are home for the day and then use only one for a few days until your body gets used to it. just give it some time and lots of water. cardio is best for losing the gut. don't do abs training cause it can cause your gut to grow muscles. and it doesn't burn the fat either. when you do cardio it burns the fat all over your body so do some weights where you don't want to lose the muscle. Protien shakes are great if you're in shape already but if you are not they just add to the problem. I limit myself to one 8 oz. shake before training and another after but don't drink them for pleasure. they make you fat too. let me know how you're doing. mike

thanks bro...ive actually had a bad slip up here GF was pregnant and we had to have an abortion, got really depressed(dont agree with that sort of thing) put like 8 pounds back on in like 2 weeks. ugghhhh....anyhow, we worked it all out, im 3 days back at it...hadnt actually looked at this thread in a while but glad to see what i did when i did...really needed it. will be posting updates over the next few weeks. Im back baby!!!!