GH Boosters, Do they work ?


What the Duece.... ?!?!
Ok I dont want to mess with GH as i still have a few years until im in my 30's.

I recently picked up some supps from LG sciences (one of our sponsers) I more or less got GHenerate for nothing. Supposed to be a GH "booster"

Is there any risk in using such product?

Part 2 of my question. I have read that supplements like these should be taken at bed with NO carbs. reason being that GH is released when blood glucose levels are at their lowest. Eating high"er" amounts of carbs before bed will dampen GH release.

Do people generally agree with this or is this one of those 50/50 debates?

Does GH release at a later point during the night if you were to consume more carbs at night or does it shut it down for the night?

3J I kinda already talked to you about this, but its been kinda making me wonder.

Lastly, Can natural GH levels when paired with a "booster" help promote the generation of new muscle cells or is it more just keeping you from storing excess body fat?

Chip any thoughts on this?