GH FAQ by b-legit (5 years experience)

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GH Types taken on and off since 2005:

Nutropin 5 on 2 off 4iu/day (2-2month cycles)

Jintropin yellow tops 5 on 2 off 5iu/day (3-3month cycles)

Jintropin Green tops 5 on 2 off 5iu/day (3ish-3ish month cycles

Generic Blues (Source a) 7 on 5iu/day (2-3month cycles)

Generic Blues (Source b) 7 on 5-15iu/day (1-2month cycle and just started another cycle 2 weeks ago at 5iu/day...LOVE THIS STUFF!!

Hygetropin 4-8iu/day on and off for 2 months.

The best way I can describe the effects to a person looking into using it would be; GH is like putting a turbo on a sports car. (The sports car is obviously your gear and the turbo is th GH). You can use less aas while on 4-5iu/day of GH, and get leaner, bigger, etc. This drug is the common denominator of the pro's. ;)

From personal experience, GH thrives in an androgen rich environment. I have used GH while on, and while off aas and it is much more effective while on.

For someone who is not in tune with their body, they would not be able to detect the effects (good and bad) from GH. For the person who has done a few cycles, is fairly in tune with their physique; can most definitely feel the effects of GH. You can be carb depleted, and feel extremely full at 5-10iu/day. Also, you can bulk while on aas eating 4plus kcal/day and get leaner and more vascular.

I will never compete in another bodybuilding competition without the use of GH. A good friend of mine was prepping for a show and while a few months out was struggling to lose 1%bf/week. We put hime on 5iu GH/day and he began losing 2%bf/week while GAINING 2lbs of bodyweight. No joke.

There are certainly side effects to using GH. 5iu or less IMO is completely safe. 5-10iu/day you start to notice weird shit. The ankles become kankles. 10-15iu/day the feet get watery, blocky, nasty looking. It makes absolutely no sense at all but I swear I have had gyno symptoms while introducing GH to the cycle. I think one is safe using less GH while bulking, and more while dieting down...preserving the muscle tissue.

Of all the GH tried my favorite would be the chinese blue tops. All things considered; price, quality, effectiveness, etc.? For me price is a biggy. Its a recession! 5iu chinese blue top/day works wonders while on, and prices are low enough where most peope on a budget can afford. A local IFBB pro says that you have to use twice the chinese amount as American, meaning the chinese is weaker. Who cares, at the prices this chinese shit is going for you can use 3x. The best shit I've ever taken would be the nutropin. Hands went numb immediately but hardly any water retention and had vascularity like a mofo!

Timing of inject??????? Haha this has gone back and forth for years. First thing in the AM? Post workout? Before bed? Middle of the night while getting up to piss?? Here's the deal; 2 IFBB pro's have both told me that the middle of the night, or just before going to sleep is best. Dave Palumbo and others say first thing in the AM works best, splitting up the shots 2-3 times/day. I've tried every which way and I'm back to injecting just before going to sleep.

GH has been THE ULTIMATE physique enhancer for me, personally. I'm not a huge guy...naturally I am a true ectomorph hardgainer. Right now I'm about 6' 225lbs at 5%bf tested 2 days ago. Shot out to my GH guy! Thank you sir!

Anyways thanks for reading my blurb and thoughts on GH.

These are all personal opinions. I could be wrong on some or most of my feedback but it is genuinely honest feedback. Hopefully some can learn from years of GH and aas usage through this personal analysis. Keep in mind everyone's body is different. I'm not an insulin fan while one of my training partners looks at humulin and blows up! He is the opposite when it comes to GH. The results are decent for him but not as good as slin/aas.

I forgot to mention that with each GH cycle done the gains get easier and easier to maintain naturally when off. (to a certain degree)
I forgot to mention; the above cycles of GH taken were on and off since 2005. I took time off GH between 2007-2009--Damn economy.
No feedback? I thought people were wanting real life experience of using GH? Well for me, this is my drug of choice.
No feedback? I thought people were wanting real life experience of using GH? Well for me, this is my drug of choice.

^^^^ for the differences/results/sides/gains between subq or im? Ive heard that the subq is going to shed fat faster, but what about the other benifits. whats your thoughts? also, pulsing versus 5on 2 off same as above ?? I believe our own RJH(i believe 8-10iu) was pulsing for a year and had some good gains. Looking to add maitanece dose pharm grade to my routine
Very insightful bro! IDK, using GH definitely would cause tons of headache for me. My wife swears she is gonna bite my balls off and pinch my gyno infested nipples til I promise not to do any more aas (if I do anymore juice) but Im SOOO intrigued with GH/Test cycling now!!
As with all AAS and Growth, be sure to get bloodwork done on a regular basis. Can't stress that enough. It's the things you don't know that will catch you off your game.

good info-Ive never tried it but Im about to start. most people i know are from the school that you should stay on 4-6 ius for 6months to a year. also, what about old injuries?