GH Results


New member
I've been using Somatropin off and on for about 6 months now. I've experienced several weeks off due to lack of supply. Since the new year I've been doing mostly cardio as I'm pretty happy with my size. In the last 2 months or so..I had about a 3 week stretch off GH and started again about 2 1/2 weeks ago and I notice I keep gaining weight. I've gone up 14 lbs from 230 to 244 in a fairly short period of time. I know I havent put on any fat as I've been doing mostly cardio and not hitting weights hard. I just measured my arms and I've gained almost 3/4 of an inch doing almost 100% cardio. For what its wort I'm 38 yrs old and about 10% BF. If I gain it's got to be either muscle or water weight. I've read something about GH making your internal organs grow which un nerves me due to the almost effortless growth/weight gain I'm experiencing. I've read on here GH alone doesnt make you grow, but it sure as hell is doing something to me.
Exactly what was asked above...but still... a 14lb weight gain in 2 1/2 weeks is pretty substantial...Im sure its not your organs growing in size that 2 things I can think of... 1 your holding a ton of water..or 2.. you are not accurate in the amount of weight you say you gained
i wouldnt worry about the organ growth in your case, simply for the fact that if your organs gained 14lbs in 2 weeks, you wouldnt be able to miss it.

Also, since you are 38, are you getting this from a doc as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? If not, you could go to a doc and ge tthe shit legally, soyou dont have to worry about a supply or legal problems.

If you didnt make an error with the weight calculation, i have a shitty theory to propose. You may have gotten fake HGH, which is in fact HCG. the HCG is aromatizing, causing your estrogen levels to rise and you to gain wieght, mostly water.
to rule this out, buy yourself a pregnancy test and put a little drop of your growth on the test. If the test indicates a positive for pregnancy, you wrere positively fucked and got HCG instead.

correct me if i am wrong, oh HGH gurus. my knowledge in that area may be incorrect.
I dont get it. I'm only doing 2 IU's a day..not even doing a body building dose more for long term maintenance. I've been getting it from a Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) lab so it should be ok. I've weighed myself on 2 different grocery store scales. 240 last week and 244 this week. This after being a solid 230-235 for years. it's got to be that both scales are just wrong. I dont weight myself that often since I've been in the same weight range for years. I didnt gain 14lb in 2's got to be more like 2-3 months. But I swear I did get a legit gain of almost 3/4" on my arms when measured cold and have been doing mostly cardio since the new year. It has been at least 4 months since I'd measured my arms however. I'm thinking I may just seeing the gains from being on gh for an extended perioid of 6 monts but 14 lbs doesnt seem right.

It was just a general more long term side effect question regarding the organ growth. What are the odds of that being a neg side effect. Thats my main concern. Other than that I just wanted to report my effects from a low long term gh dose.
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i wouldnt worry about organ enlargement w/ the dose your taking, most w/ those problems run more gh than any of us could afford to for very long time periods. i ran 3-4 ius a day for about 4 months w/ great results, as far as the lbs man i have no clue. but if it not fat and your happy and feel healthy, who cares.
Johny J said:
i wouldnt worry about the organ growth in your case, simply for the fact that if your organs gained 14lbs in 2 weeks, you wouldnt be able to miss it.

Also, since you are 38, are you getting this from a doc as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)? If not, you could go to a doc and ge tthe shit legally, soyou dont have to worry about a supply or legal problems.

If you didnt make an error with the weight calculation, i have a shitty theory to propose. You may have gotten fake HGH, which is in fact HCG. the HCG is aromatizing, causing your estrogen levels to rise and you to gain wieght, mostly water.
to rule this out, buy yourself a pregnancy test and put a little drop of your growth on the test. If the test indicates a positive for pregnancy, you wrere positively fucked and got HCG instead.

correct me if i am wrong, oh HGH gurus. my knowledge in that area may be incorrect.

That is correct my friend.
I've been doing HGH with test en for 3½ years and I stay lean all the time. Been on test en for 14 years already for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) cause of pituitary problems. I always recuperated nicely and never hurt. HGH keeps me feeling great about myself too. I've gained about 35# of muscle over the last 4 years but I hardly gained anything over the last couple of years. Gains I put on seem to go.
Wow man I have exp the same exact thing. I have been using 4 iu a day and have gained 15 pounds in the last month. I am kind of getting worried though I am geting leaner, but I feel very bloated. I am only taking gh nothing else...well I did start liquidex to control estrogen levels, but Man I am getting bigger every week, which is not my intention. I do however want to get leaner, but the gh is making me grow. Kind of weird I don't know what to think. I am glad somone else is having this prob.
been on gh for 5 mnths 3iu's and nothing, even went up in bf. hooked up w/ some test and 4lbs over 5wks and drop 3.1 in bf. don't think my stuff is bad?
gooby said:
been on gh for 5 mnths 3iu's and nothing, even went up in bf. hooked up w/ some test and 4lbs over 5wks and drop 3.1 in bf. don't think my stuff is bad?

GH is truely activated with test, so the results fit the explanation
ive had good results with gh the first time around. im now going to try a different approach than the normal 6 month, 4iu cycle. im going to do 10-16 weeks at 9 iu ed.
Wow man I have exp the same exact thing. I have been using 4 iu a day and have gained 15 pounds in the last month. I am kind of getting worried though I am geting leaner, but I feel very bloated. I am only taking gh nothing else...well I did start liquidex to control estrogen levels, but Man I am getting bigger every week, which is not my intention. I do however want to get leaner, but the gh is making me grow. Kind of weird I don't know what to think. I am glad somone else is having this prob.

I doubt liquidex will help because HGH water retention is not due to estrogen.