GHRP saturation dosage question


New member
It has been determined that saturation for GHRP's to be around 100mcg or 1mcg per kilo of body weight. Ive read other threads suggesting its higher at around 2mcgs.

I cant seem to find any research data suggesting sat dose for GHRH such as CJC-1293, Mod GRF 1-26.

Im also curious about Tb4 (TB500) as well. However with regard to Tb4, if Im reading correctly its suggested that there is no upper limit and infact goes on to say quite the opposite that the more use the more receptive the subjects body is of Tb4.

Has anyone found or done any research that clarifies the following.
What is the Sat dose for the different GHRH's ?
As far as the sat dose goes for GHRP's, is the recommended 100mcg's absolute ? e.g. Can you stack or is there any point in stacking 100mcg of say Hexarelin with 100mcg of GHRP-2 + a GHRH ?
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