girlfriend needs fat burner help


New member
My girlfriend came to me and asked me for fat burner help . Clen and t-3 is pretty much out . She gets bad shakes on an ECA stack ,and thats not conducive to her work . So basically what she needs is something ephedrine free . What has worked best for the ladies on this board ?Thanks in advance for any information that you can provide
There are so many fat burners out there that are ephedra free so you've got lots of choices. One that I sell a lot of is called NRG by Sci-fit. People really seem to like it. Does she want a burner or can we help her with her diet instead? I myself prefer people to lose the weight through proper eating than relying on the burners.
I think Sportlab, which you can buy here on the site, is coming out with an ephedra free product as well. How is your girlfriend's diet?