Give me my enthusiasm back!


Weight: 145
Height: 5’5
BF%: Too much! Don’t know.

Okay, so around October of last year (2006) I started working out really hard! Cardio every morning before school, and to the gym 3X a week for weights. I was also teaching gymnastics 2 nights a week. Going hard and going strong, with tons of enthusiasm! Then in December I got pregnant… which I am not asking for any sympathy, buy unfortunately I lost the baby… For the 4 months that I was pregnant though I continued to do light work outs and walk in the mornings instead of run…I was not going to let all that hard work go down the drain! I was also using liquid Clen, 2 on 2 off when I started working out… (Stopped when I found out the news!) The loss of weight and gains of lean muscle mass was extraordinary! I was in the best shape ever! My eating wasn’t as clean as it could have been though. Anyhow, after I lost the baby, I swear my body has changed. I am just now feeling up to par again. Between April of 2007 and now I have just been in a huge slump. Eating what ever and when ever, not exercising, not having any enthusiasm, not caring, EXTREAMLY tired… UGH, nasty I know! If I remember correctly from Oct of 2006 to Dec, I went from 145 to 125! Okay so there is a brief story of my life recently.

NOW… I work a lot and take a full load at school, but I am willing to do what ever it takes to get back to where I was and keep improving! I am a different person when I feel good about my body.

So I just ordered some Clen, it should be here in a week or so. I am not planning on taking it right off the bat though. Going to keep doing a lot of cardio and get my eating down better. So probably in about 3 or 4 weeks (after I train my mind) I will start my first 2 weeks. I may do an ECA stack during the 2 off, if I can get my hands on some ephedrine. OR tell me what you think about this… Instead of that, upping my carbs and protein a little and going heavy weight training for two weeks, then again on the Clen for two weeks… and keep that cycle going?

My goal…I have no desire to be Worlds Strongest Woman “My hats off to those women though!” But I do want a VERY defined body. I want to get back down to 125 or a tad less, and be cut!

I know that hard work and a clean eating regime are the main ways to accomplish this, but I also know that some substances are VERY helpful! So, any input, info, stories, constructive criticism will be greatly appreciated!
best of luck, clen has never done anything for me. Diet hard and cardio harder. Post before and after picks
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Never tried clen but tried both Albuterol and ECA and thought ECA was a much better diet aid/fat burner, etc.
Clen can be very rough from what I've heard so I would be cautious. This is why I haven't bothered yet.
I used Clen before and never felt it was worth the water that I drank it with ... also the sides of the shakes, far outweighed the (non exsistent) benefits. If you feel you need a little substance to give you focus and get you in the gym and keep you there, why not try something I swear by ... any supplement with caffeine in it ... my favourite: NO-Explode. It gets me happily through cardio, makes me feel stronger when I lift, and gives me the focus to get what has to be done.

There are some studies that say that an ECA stack will only burn an extra 100 calories a day, so taking that versus a substance that will not necessarily act as a fat burner but give you the motivational kick you need might make better sense at this stage for you.

Well done for drawing a line under your bad eating, it's tough I know, and we've all been there. You just have to make the decision to take control of how you want to look. The training is terrific, but it's what you do the other hours of the day, when you are not in the gym that really count.

Remember, if it was easy everyone would look like the girls on the cover of the fitness magazines.
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Clen alone by itself will do nothing as far as fat loss. Like everyone else had said, diet and exercise. The hard stuff nobody wants to do and the only thing that works with no sides.
Your motivation is there somewhere you just need to find it again. That love for the iron that you once had. Sometimes our bodies need a break and sometimes we just get a little lazy. I think you know what you need to do, so get out there and do it. I would leave the clen alone, and just get back on track.

you want to get your desire back?try takind a aderal or a ritaline about an hour before you work out and i promise you will be amped
It sounds like you know what you have to do, now you just have to do it!

As far as substances go I'm a fan of ephedrine mainly for an appetite suppressant and albuterol for a fat burner.
Something to help...

My fiance and I just went through almost the same thing, losing a baby and all. She felt the same way about herself; depressed, who cares, weight gain, sleeplessness etc. I tried everything to make her feel better. She tried the Clen and T3 cycle for 6 weeks, helped at first but then not so much. She has been doing GH now for about a month and it is really helping with everything. She sleeps, is more motivated to work out again, almost back to her normal weight 115 (she's 5'2"), no migraines, and is just happier now. She also got some of that drug Phentermine 37.5 mg and that has helped a ton to curb appetite and make you feel euphoric. Try to get some of that if you can from a doc, clean up your diet, and get some GH. Good luck to you, sympathy to you in your time of loss.
Ryan Baker
Just to show how personal drugs/meds work:

Clen was a nightmare. + didn't make me lose an ounce.
Phentermine did make me lose some weight. But also made me shivery like a leaf.
I hated both of them.

Best way for the battle against the bulge: low carbing + excercise!