or colon cancer........
OK, here is HOW glutamine protects you from Muscle Atrophy, I will try to make this as simple as I can.......
To better understand me, you will need to know how and what Cortisol is. Cortisol is a "stress hormone" our bodies create. It is known to reduce protein stores in all tissues except the liver, through several mechanisms, including a reduction in the synthesis of cellular RNA, which is essential for protein synthesis. Since anabolic steroids promote muscle protein synthesis by increasing RNA, Cortisol has exactly the opposite effect.
Cortisol mobilizes amino acids from the muscle for transport to the liver, where the undergo a process called *GLUCONEOGENESIS, that results in increased glucose production. While this is vital for a rapid source of energy during severe stress, it also results in muscle breakdown. Insulin opposes Cortisol in the action, but high-stress activity promotes Cortisol domination over insulin
Cortisol appears to promote the synthesis of a protein degrading substance called "ubiquitin" that rapidly breaks down the muscle.
OK here is the point................
Cortisol also works by stimulating the EXIT of the Amino Acid Glutamine from muscle. When that occurs, rapid muscle catabolism follows. Several studies have shown taking supplemental (powder) Glutamine may block much of the catabolic effect of Cortisol in muscle.
Any Questions????? Sometimes you have to do research above and beyond, the headlines.
Glutamine is NOT a new break through supplement, its a non-essential amino acid.