Glutimine's wrath of YJ
OK through out this entire waste of space, in almost every reply from YJ has some kind of insult to everyone and anyone who doesn't share the same opinion. And ya know what I am sickened by it. This forum is supposed to be helpful. If someone has a question, why should they ask if you have a person "
posing" as a moderator, oh and the guru to all. So I may be banned for this and/or YJ's," little coat tail riders" will respond to this.
Yellow Jacket you are a fricken, pig headed, blow hard,self righteous
idiot.You have your head sooo far up your own ass, you need a damn glass stomach.
You have had not one positive comment to ANYONE who doesnt share your opinion, and a total mis-representation of this forum, with your attitude. Why should any new commer want to help educate themselves through this forum, with a person who be- littles you and your intelligence.
YJ you should seriously sit back and consider how you could learn how to speak to a fellow human being, with respect.
Thank you and drive through, Im done with this forum. Too bad.