Going to cruise and blast...looking for some opinions on how to start doing this.


New member
I'm 32 years old, ive been lifting for 10 plus years, i feel i have lots of training experience.
im 5'8 205lbs and probably 10 or so percent body fat.
squat 550, deadlift 605 and bench 315 *needs help i know*

with that out of the way, ive ran 5-6 cycles. they have been spread out and i will be honest i dislike being off of gear and doing the pct thing.
i want to nail things and do a blast cruise.

i'll be finishing up my tren/prop cycle in a week or 2. instead of the pct, i'l stay on prop and cruise at 200mg for 10 weeks (according to the research i have already done)
i dont think i would be needing my ai at that dose, but i have plenty if i do.

so after 10-12 week of cruising. i'll plan on a lean bulk, then after another cruise get into summer for a shred.

i read it is about the compounds, and using different compounds is what yields the best results.
can i run tren at every blast, or should i save it for the cutting summer time.

any advice what i should run for my next blast in 10-12 weeks?

im currently 300mg test, 600mg tren a week now, pin ED.

It's not so much about the compounds, its all about the diet...

this is true...

but that's not the real topic here..

he wants to cruise and blast.. does he understand he will be on trt for life?? thats the real question..

if so.. then yea.. cruise and blast.. ive been on trt for a year and i have yet to blast.. havn't found a need to
It's not so much about the compounds, its all about the diet...

this is true...

but that's not the real topic here..

he wants to cruise and blast.. does he understand he will be on trt for life?? thats the real question..

if so.. then yea.. cruise and blast.. ive been on trt for a year and i have yet to blast.. havn't found a need to
Pretty sure it is about the drugs... I just don't want to get too used to one, I guess I'm just looking at helping with some cycle compounds.

I have test prop now to cruise I'll do eod pins. Next cruise I'll make sure I'll have a enth test.

As for try yes i am totally ok with that 100 percent. Love this life

Thanks for any help.
Best way to do blast and cruise is to get set up with a prescription for TRT from a. doctor. Then you don't have to worry about getting your "Cruise" medications and you can travel with them. Given your level of experience with AAS, you should be capable of figuring out how to show a doc that you have hypogonadism (TT, LH and FSH).
3J, what's your cruise dosage? I'm 200mg pw and While it's certainly helped, I still feel the need to blast
never heard of: hypogonadism (TT, LH and FSH).

i should go to the doc and tell him what i plan on doing, perhaps it could help. living in canada could help me out here?
never heard of: hypogonadism (TT, LH and FSH).

i should go to the doc and tell him what i plan on doing, perhaps it could help. living in canada could help me out here?

No, that is not going to help. Docs are going to give you steroids for the fun of it and risk their license.

Hypogonadism is Low T. Study the HPTA and understand how Testosterone, LH, FSH and Estradiol work together. After all, if you are going to make a life of this and self-treat you need to know how all this stuff works. And you need to know how to interpret your blood work.