Good diet on wet compounds


New member
Hey guys. Ive been looking into deca-drol max. I understand it delivers wet gain. MY question is, ive heard its one of the most powerful non-methylated pros that you can take in regards of size and strength. However, im not really into blowing up. If i take adex at .25mg EOD and keep my sugar as well as my salt intake down, and drink tons of water and eat a ton of bananas, can i keep the water to almost nothing? I do plan onraising my carb intake tho. Would i be better off getting a different product? And how much of the gains could i expect to keep after pct and the water goes down?
Thanks for the imput.
If so, what product is a powerful non methyl that i can get dry gains from as well as able to stack it with a very powerful methyl?
Agreed bro! I've seen nothing but amazing feedback from sarms bro and in comparison to how brutal ph's can be on your body, you can't go wrong. If you're looking to raise your bar and do it without the worry of Super crazy sides sarms are the answer.
Well, im not dead set on the PH's, but i like the legallity of them. I thought about going bigger, but the two friends of mine that had tried, were each busted. Kind of turned me away from that. So i tried my first PH last year and had great gains. Im pretty much thinking about making this my last cycle for a while. Thats why i am trying to figure deca-drol out. I want a powerful cycle since ive got a few under my belt already, but i dont want much water weight, nor do i want to kill myself. HAHA. I already have

Alpha one max

And i was thinking of another powerful PH that was non-methylated. Thats where deca came in.
Ive also been hearing about DHEA and DiM being thrown on cycle, but im afraid of my liver exploding. Lol.
Sarms do really seem the best, but if i order anything in that spectrum, id like to wait until i get into using these types of products.

So, what do you think aboutt this cycle/ the use of deca?
Dhea and dim during? After? After pct?