Goodbye from MrDbol



I wanna say goodbye to you guys, i am done with steroids and i experienced the worst feeling in my life, i found steroids addictive and i hate sagging nuts and loss of libido fuck it, i rather be my old self anyday. goodluck to all of you and to new people who are thinking of trying steroids my suggestion is dont there is no need unless your profession demands it, i reacted badly to steroids i didnt do it for one day and it felt like shit i dont think i can go thru post cycle therapy (pct), goodluck to ev everyone on steroidology. god bless you all.
i found steroids addictive and i hate sagging nuts and loss of libido fuck it

1.shouldn' take any drug you can't control
2.sagging nuts? i heard of atrophy(which can be minimized with hcg) but not sagging unles its the dropping that occurs during puberty
3.loss of libido.. dont ever run a cycle without test
haha, is this guy joking? Wasn't he only on Dbol for a few days? That's not long enough for your nuts to shrink. Plus your libido would go up if anything. Libido is overrated anyways, you can have mine, it's too much for me! haha
I told him not to f*@k with an dbol only cycle...

What a poignant goodbye, you'll be sorely missed MrDbol!:)

BTW if 3 days on dbol is the worst feeling in your life, consider yourself lucky.
stone and topdog...if i wasn't in the middle of the worst moment of my own life, i'd hit you up with + rep right away! awesome posts. you summed it up nicely. if he wants a stronger libido, cum to thailand, goto columbia, or tastes the hidden delights of beirut (really!). wtf, this guy cracks me up if what is said is true. awesum.
Judging from his avatar pic i dont think hes a rookie, and i think its kind of fucked up to put him down like that. If he feels steroids messes his life than good for him that he quits! live a healthy life! i myself am in a dilemma, dont know if i ever want to juice up any more..1. i get the worst zits (i do take b6,use medicated soap+tan once/w)
2.feel good while on and get THE worst depresions off+MOODSWINGS
3.i would like to have healthy kids in the future..NOT EVERYONE is lucky
4. i ve ended a 6month cycle without ANY problems but this is what REALLY got me thinking..for the first time ever in 6 years with my fiance i had a blackout during our argument and i pushed her across the room!!!!! she litteraly FLIED! i feel TERRIBEL!! i blame the juice!
khalnayak said:
Told this guy,DONT RUN AN ORAL ONLY CYCLE.Now he blames everything on roids...

hahaha..classic.If he ran a test only cycle maybe he would have a different view.
ok but werent you on for about 3 days? Also change your sig about losing your virginity to BD dbols.
i was on dbol for a total of 6 days with a one day gap that one day enough hell for me, again nolva is the main reason i am giving up i wont be able to go thru post cycle therapy (pct) and i am not built for nolva or clomid brother
wow someone deleted what i wrote about my experience, unbeleivable it might have helped others
You are the dumbest person i have seen and you have no experience and you like repeating what others say, shut the heck up with that crap, you go ahead and do an injectable cycle be my guest i will see you when you are on post cycle therapy (pct) i got a little taste of post cycle therapy (pct) i took nolva 10 mg for 1 day because i was getting puffy nipples and nolva is one of the reasons i am giving up, if you can deal with the emotions on nolva and Clomid then more power to you if you cant then stay away from steroids i felt like a bitch after not take dbol for just one day i felt light headedness had less appetite was too calm for myself wanted to take dbol again, i also had the pleasure of working out without dbol and i felt like a bitch didnt feel like working out woke up next day with no pump whatsoever and felt like i never even workedout, before suggesting people what to do first experience it yourself by taking an injectable
a) i would have felt great while on and i can only imagine what a post cycle therapy (pct) after a couple of months would have been like.
b) if this cycle would have gone well then i would have tried a different steroid next time and a am sure i would have tried dbols one day, i am happy in a sad way that i tried dbol first i saved me from going in too deep, i am lucky to have made a u turn this early in my cycle tahnks to an oral compound.
c) you might be okwith test but trust me there will be a compound that you will try one day thats gonna fuk you up and then be prepared to go thru hell.
I wish i never touched this stuff. all i got out of it was puffy nipples on the plus side i have come to realise how precious day to day normal life is and how much i love my real self.

I am going back to working out naturally again and i am even more motivated now that i have gotten a little taste of the dark side, IT IS DARK, i pray to god that he gives me back what he gave me in the first place. Thank god.
Emotionly unstable people should not take AAS.This is the best example.Its all in your head,clown.
please leave this on as it might help others from making the same mistake i did. Thanks
not to bust your balls or anything but 5-6 days is very little, Im 99% sure its in your head. And as for nolva, it really doesnt fuck with your emotions that much and again 5-6 days is not that much. But regardless if you really do feel this way then best of luck to you. Perhaps next time you should listen to other peoples advice more closely.
yes i should listen other people the one who said yu are big enough why do you wanna be bigger thats the advise i should hasve listened to.