Goodbye from MrDbol

6 days of dbol fucked him all up?? BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA! Hilarious!
And his name was MrDbol?!?
Best thread EVA!! :rockband:
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RJH8541 said:
If its any consellation.... I still think he's fat!!!
you are still fat compared to others here and on top of that you got a small package you should see mine its huge and i get compliments from girls i have been with, i got a nice package and i couldnt see myself going down looking like you look at your nuts those are called old mans sack, i dont wanna wear supports yet when the right time comes i will but not now. if you are happy with yourself then great but since i have been there i have seen the negatives and i take my package anyday over any other body part try to grow up and show some responsibility, act your age there are a bunch of supps out there that i can use to get cut i know i wont look as good as some people here and i am okay with that, i am recovering now and i already feel better than yesterday hopefully i will make a full recovery and hit myself harder in the gym i miss my nuts and i want them back asap. Love my package and so does my girlfreind, chill out. keep juicing what do i care :flipoffha
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MrDbol said:
you are still fat compared to others here and on top of that you got a small package you should see mine its huge and i get compliments from girls i have been with, i got a nice package and i couldnt see myself going down looking like you look at your nuts those are called old mans sack, i dont wanna wear supports yet when the right time comes i will but not now. if you are happy with yourself then great but since i have been there i have seen the negatives and i take my package anyday over any other body part try to grow up and show some responsibility, act your age there are a bunch of supps out there that i can use to get cut i know i wont look as good as some people here and i am okay with that, i am recovering now and i already feel better than yesterday hopefully i will make a full recovery and hit myself harder in the gym i miss my nuts and i want them back asap. Love my package and so does my girlfreind, chill out. keep juicing what do i care :flipoffha

dude...u have serious grammer issues... ever heard of sentence structure or periods?
RJH8541 said:
If its any consellation.... I still think he's fat!!!
next time i will post a pic of my package in my undies we,ll see who's bigger then.

There are some good people here like bulldogs and other vets some others here a phsychotic and they shouldnt be juicing and giving advice on here.
my 2 cents worth
kraziplaya said:
dude...u have serious grammer issues... ever heard of sentence structure or periods?
here we go, this is what it comes down to huh now i gotta learn some grammer from a person who calls himself kraziplaya. just hillarious. :laugh3:
I thought you said Goodbye ???

Why do you keep coming back, now go away and stay away.

BTW, I love your new title.....lmfao !!
oh that doesnt mean anything brother i am a man and stone that doesnt mean anything, may be to some kids you can make them feel like loosers but sorry brother what you wrote means jack to me, how old r u again. lets see how old the biggest looser of all is BTW seen your pics so if i was you i wouldnt be talking a whole lot of shit, i will give you the credit for giving out good advice there thats the man that i am.
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i wanna stay away but there are some phsycho's here and why you support them and love them so much is beyond me, why kill a thread i rather finish what i started so others can read and make what they want out of it themselves, dont you agree, lets finish this thread i am ready for it.
RJH8541 said:
If its any consellation.... I still think he's fat!!!

My sentiments exactly...big can have a few definitions MrDbol. My obese aunt is big, doesn't mean she looks good!

And what is it your ready for... seems to me you fucked up, got yourself in over your head, and instead of manning up and admitting your mistake (You may have done this), you decided to not just STFU and came back all defensive like you knew something about anything. From your pics it's obvious you don't know how to diet, (or at least don't choose to) and from this thread it's obvious you don't know how to cycle - or even listen for that matter! Know that only leaves training, and solely going by your track record, you can probably guess how I think that is going for you!

Now why don't you save what little dignaty you have and just stick with what you said about how juice isn't for you - and let others be.
Honestly if you would be consistant with this attitude I'd wish you the best, WTF do I care if you juice? But like was posted earlier, the last we need is another person running around touting the dangers of steroids because he didn't know how to use - and messed up!
Ok, you guys win. I admit I overreacted and am truely a big loser like MrStonecold wrote in my title. I wish I never tried steroids and I am a big wussy, but if the truth be known, I am only 15yrs old and that picture of me is not even me, it is my big brother. he is a faggot and I will like to be one when i grow up.

goodbye again.
I think we all know who the 15 year old is mrdbol, you are a 15 year old convict looking motherfucker in a 55 year old mans body.
Hey convict i think you should run this cycle i wrote up for you, go to walmart and buy some poison and inject 500 mgs of it in your asshole and kiss you old ass goodbye
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Convict said:
I think we all know who the 15 year old is mrdbol, you are a 15 year old convict looking motherfucker in a 55 year old mans body.
Hey convict i think you should run this cycle i wrote up for you, go to walmart and buy some poison and inject 500 mgs of it in your asshole and kiss you old ass goodbye

Hhmmm, Convict couldn't be MrDbol could he??? This thread is a classic! I still think it's hilarious his name is MrDbol yet he couldn't handle it but for 6 days!
MrDbol said:
Ok, you guys win. I admit I overreacted and am truely a big loser like MrStonecold wrote in my title. I wish I never tried steroids and I am a big wussy, but if the truth be known, I am only 15yrs old and that picture of me is not even me, it is my big brother. he is a faggot and I will like to be one when i grow up.

goodbye again.