
New member
Ok, so got my Test Levels, Liver Values, Cholesterol ect checked.

Its now 6 weeks since my last test injection and my total test is 359mg/dl! Thats horrilbe for me! Before cycle, it was 810mg/dl!

I Ran an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) though cycle, and the 2 weeks between cycle and post cycle therapy (pct), then post cycle therapy (pct) was nolva @ 20-20-10-10

Any pointers?
I wuld do another post cycle therapy (pct). Do a 10 day blast of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500ius a day wait 4 days n try clomid at 50/50/50/50 then get bloods checked again. What were ur lh an fsh #s? That will tell u weather or not ur pitutary is workin or not
I wuld do another post cycle therapy (pct). Do a 10 day blast of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500ius a day wait 4 days n try clomid at 50/50/50/50 then get bloods checked again. What were ur lh an fsh #s? That will tell u weather or not ur pitutary is workin or not

Yea, I go back in 4 weeks. Hoping there back up! I will post info on blood work in the next couple days. SO please stay tuned!
I wuld do another post cycle therapy (pct). Do a 10 day blast of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) at 500ius a day wait 4 days n try clomid at 50/50/50/50 then get bloods checked again. What were ur lh an fsh #s? That will tell u weather or not ur pitutary is workin or not

Can you explain more about lh and fsh, I mean, lets say they are good, why would test be low? And, if there not good, what went wrong?
If ur lh n fsh #s r good u will have 2 give sometime 2 c if ur test #s come back up n if ur test #s don't come back then ur lookin at TRT. If lh n fsh #s r low then ur still shut down. Let me no how u make out bro I'm goin 4 bloods in bout 4 wks myself

FSH= 2.1---Range: 1.4-18.1

LH=5.2---Range: 1.5-9.3

Total Test=358---Range:300-925

Total Free=68---Range: 50-247

Sex Binding Globulin=43---Range: 10-74

Looks BAD to me....
Ur pituatary startin 2 work again . Not sure wen u finished post cycle therapy (pct). U culd try another restart wit the Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) blast than clomid n C where ur bloods r at 6 wks from now . N if that don't work bro ur lookin at possibly TRT