got my package! OP.. heres my cycle ill run


New member
OP has successfully sent me my fifth order.. telling u i love their gear and blends

That being said. First time buying their oral winny. The last oral winny ive had was pinn.. but has anyone have experiance with OP winny? Im excited

My cycle looks like this "

Week 1-5 oral winny 50mg a day
Week 1-15 tren ace 900mg a week
Week 1-15 test prop 600mg a week
Week 6-15 masterone prop 400mg a week
Week 10-15 winny 40mg a day

Might throw var in too last 5 weeks at 60mg a day

"Just ran a long ester version of this cycle diff doses though from sept-dec, then blasted 700week of test until this cycle"

Cycle history Very experianced and this is actually low doses compared to what i do
I got u when i gwt home.ill take 1

5'7 225lbs 12%bf just got done bulkin about 2months ago slowly cutting prepping for a few shows.. i was at 240lbs from dec-feb
Have you used mast before? If so, did you see any huge cosmetic difference in your appearance running it?
I'm asking because I want to run it but contemplating paying extra if it won't make a huge difference in my cycle.
That is a big boy cycle. Your joints are going to hate getting hit with that winny twice lol. Hopefully none of the new guys check this shit out and decide to copy it.
@el i ways run.mast for the libido effect. But yeah deff gives a nice grainy look if bf% is low hence why im running it towards the end of the cycle.. also good synergy with the whole cut cycle

@tury694 yeah man irs an alrighr cycle. LasT year i ran trwn ace 1g, prop 750, mast 600, var 80ed, primo 500, proviron 300, adex prami . With 5iu gh and some slin "i dont use slin anymore or recomend slin to anyone but pro BB"

And yeah i dont recomend any cycles i do to anyone espcially ppl who are new to any cycles. If any one have questions on cyxle and nutrition lmk. I help plenty of ppl out and am not new to this site just the name is new thats it
Whats up teuntonic long time no see.. Yeah im very thick n cut. Yeah thats what i do. But yeah uve guys seen my cycle post from my old profile. This is a light cycle for me
@el i ways run.mast for the libido effect. But yeah deff gives a nice grainy look if bf% is low hence why im running it towards the end of the cycle.. also good synergy with the whole cut cycle

@tury694 yeah man irs an alrighr cycle. LasT year i ran trwn ace 1g, prop 750, mast 600, var 80ed, primo 500, proviron 300, adex prami . With 5iu gh and some slin "i dont use slin anymore or recomend slin to anyone but pro BB"

And yeah i dont recomend any cycles i do to anyone espcially ppl who are new to any cycles. If any one have questions on cyxle and nutrition lmk. I help plenty of ppl out and am not new to this site just the name is new thats it

1 gram tren ace, holy fuck man. Nice stats BTW bud
1 gram tren ace, holy fuck man. Nice stats BTW bud

Thanks bud

Yeah i ran tren ace at 8months once. At anywhere from 800-1g with mast and prop. Long cycle. And it was great reaulta were nasty i looked sick but then i stopped it bcz my finger tips started turning yellow n eyes too "dont follow my footsteps im an alien" anyway trens very toxIc

Tren e a waste at those levels bcz its bioavailability but tren ace is another ball game
Dear lord... And here I am worrying about running Tren for longer than 10 weeks. OP, do you get any congestion on Tren? Idk why, whenever k start hitting week 8 I start getting boogers and a cough... Even in the middle of summer. Test never did that to me, no oral a ever did that to me. Only happens on Tren, people swear shit like that doesn't happen, I'm not going nuts am I?

Btw nice cycle, mines will be almost the same but I won't ever dare to do Tren that high lol
Week 1-16 Test E 300mg (as base, to have some kind of test in me)
Week 1-16 EQ 600
Week 1-12 Tren E 750
Should I add masteron OR Tbol? Maybe I'll do all injectables and do masteron.
I'm 215 10% bf
Oh, upping the Test once I'm off Tren. Obviously.
Plus the usual adex, Prami and Ralox. hcg don't flame me now guyz
Dear lord... And here I am worrying about running Tren for longer than 10 weeks. OP, do you get any congestion on Tren? Idk why, whenever k start hitting week 8 I start getting boogers and a cough... Even in the middle of summer. Test never did that to me, no oral a ever did that to me. Only happens on Tren, people swear shit like that doesn't happen, I'm not going nuts am I?

Btw nice cycle, mines will be almost the same but I won't ever dare to do Tren that high lol
Week 1-16 Test E 300mg (as base, to have some kind of test in me)
Week 1-16 EQ 600
Week 1-12 Tren E 750
Should I add masteron OR Tbol? Maybe I'll do all injectables and do masteron.
I'm 215 10% bf

Well tren e isnt as bioavailable as ace. Its not that powerful so 750 isnt much in reality. . Same with test e. Id bump test e to atleast 400 a week. And id do the masterone instead of tbol. Save ur liver from the orals..

Nah man i dont get sick from tren lol literally run it 2-3 times a week or for long durations trens my best friend at this point!