

New member
first post just thought Id introduce myself,
bozwell here,stats ..6ft,202lbs,12%bf(ish)24yo, done a few cycles mainly test and dbol ,upto 875mg ew of test and 30mg dbol
just started my new cycle biggest yet
looks like this
weeks 1-6 Sustanon (sust) @1ml eod
weeks 1-6npp@100mg eod
weeks 2-6 halo@20mg ed
weeks 6-??? test e@250mg e5-7d stopping on till spring
weeks 6-12 mast @150mg eod
going for some lean mass and some streanth ,looking forward to using the halo ,I do quite a bit of mma so it should be fun
Looks great should get some good sides with that :D

Any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout / HGC ? guess you don't have to worry about post cycle therapy (pct) either if your staying on till spring...

Wellcome to the board
Lucky13 said:
Looks great should get some good sides with that :D

Any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) throughout / HGC ? guess you don't have to worry about post cycle therapy (pct) either if your staying on till spring...

Wellcome to the board
Ive got some aromasin and some aifm on hand to control the bloat(going to play about with dosage to get what I what)
I use hcg when the old boys shrink @750ius eod for a week this bring then back to size and make for and easyer recovery I also use it in pct