beast master

New member
Iv been takin jintropin for over a month now and have been reading up on igf-1 and am thinking about taking it instead, please everyone give me your views and personal experiences all info appreciated ..,. cheers
I personally prefer IGF bc I see results quicker. I'm impatient. Also, as a diabetic it is best for me to keep the two under shorter usage since they both affect my blood sugar levels. The IGF has a more pronounced effect on my blood sugars, but the shorter length of effective use ends up outweighing the benefits of using HGH in the long run. But in the game of hormonal manipulation you will find out that everyone is different. Best bet is to try both and compare/contrast.
bleachcola said:
but the shorter length of effective use ends up outweighing the benefits of using HGH in the long run.

so can u only take igf-1 for a short time?, what kinda results you experiencing with igf-1? with gh iv lost quite alot of bf, recovering quicker and strengh has increased but not through the roof like some people say.

and is it undetectable like gh is at the moment?
cheers bm
to be honset with u, u are not going to see results from either one until a period of time. with igf, the new muscle cells need to mature inorder for u to see them. with hgh, it takes at least 6 months to see anything. so if u are looking for quick results, then find some d-bol
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beast master said:
Iv been takin jintropin for over a month now and have been reading up on igf-1 and am thinking about taking it instead, please everyone give me your views and personal experiences all info appreciated ..,. cheers

To my knowledge IGF-1 is the active byproduct of GH and it is cheaper. So it would be my pref
deadbeatrec said:
with hgh, it takes at least 6 months to see anything.

Is this true?! Thats crazy. I could never take something for 6 months. I like to go on, gain, and come off.
iv seen gains in 1 month definately, skin tone, recovery and strength i think 6 months maybe ull see a massive difference, i havent just took it and not felt any different iv took it and felt awesome!!
dunno if it causes it but it says shouldnt take it if u have cancer or have cancer in family u should get screened cos it makes tumours grow an accelereted rate.
Tumors LOVE IGF-1....any strong family history or personal history of cancer I'd stay away.
Jusee said:
Is this true?! Thats crazy. I could never take something for 6 months. I like to go on, gain, and come off.

Bro HGH is not rally for seeing huge gains. It's for keeping fat off, perserving muscle, youthful skin, general feeling of well being, sleeping like a baby. Basically returning to when you were young. I'm 40 and I have to have it. I love the way it makes me look and feel
Jimmykick said:
Bro HGH is not rally for seeing huge gains. It's for keeping fat off, perserving muscle, youthful skin, general feeling of well being, sleeping like a baby. Basically returning to when you were young. I'm 40 and I have to have it. I love the way it makes me look and feel

Does gh make you mature slower? Does it help you stay the same longer instead of aging normally? I mean if you take it for like 20 years.
DocJ said:
Tumors LOVE IGF-1....any strong family history or personal history of cancer I'd stay away.

Wow. Glad I'm reading everything before doing anything, cause I have a history of cancer in my family. Thanks!!!
I have taken both, if you are looking for something that works quicker, I would say IGF no doubt, I have taken it several times and it has changed me, my skin, vascular and lean body growth. IGF without any doubt would be my first choice !!!!!!!!!!!!
i noticed that people who use it have a shinier skin, or maybe its that even their facial skin looks leaner. I know a lot of young people who use it, about 23-25 and i have seen some of them before and after. i must say i really want to use it but the whole cancer thing scares me
Me too. If I ever developed a cancerous growth it would be like putting that Miracle Grow on your plants. If cancer is in your family history don't even consider these hormones.
Jusee said:
Is this true?! Thats crazy. I could never take something for 6 months. I like to go on, gain, and come off.

not real all that crazy. It's not like taking a steroid that is suppressive and hurts lipids etc. GH supplememtation at the correct dose can be done forever like TRT.