Guranteed sides of Tren Ace?


New member
Hey guys.. started my first tren cycle yesterday. I'm pinning 75mg Tren Ace 100mg Test Prop ED. I'm using a new lab, so I'm not sure if my gear is legit. Its clean for sure, 2 shots, no redness, no infection and no pain associated with injetions. I havn't got the tren cough or the metalic taste when injecting tren. Are there any sides are very common? that would indicate wether my tren is real or not within the first 6-7 days?
Most common IMO, sleeplessness, increased sweating during day and night. Never got tren cough, metallic taste might be in peoples head, not sure. My only issues are sleep coming in short sporadic periods, and I sweat like a pig 24/7.
Most common IMO, sleeplessness, increased sweating during day and night. Never got tren cough, metallic taste might be in peoples head, not sure. My only issues are sleep coming in short sporadic periods, and I sweat like a pig 24/7.

How long does it usually take for u to notice these sides? I wanna stop injecting this shit if asap if its fake.
every one is diff soem get ALTO AND ALL sides to the point they will stop early and swaring NEVER use it agen and some dont get much.
me i dont get much of anything.
insomnia, i actually got a precription for ambien to help me sleep...coughness for me was literally 10 seconds after injection..sweating was embarassing

the worst side was irritability. anything would tick me off, i had so many fights with people during my 8 week cycle. you need to ride it out i learned that the hard way,,

despite the aforementioned, Tren is simply the best
Took me about 2 weeks to notice how sweaty I was getting. Also started sleeping less and less, waking up frequently, with a wet pillow or back. Keep a fan on ya and the AC crankin.
If your endurance diminishes, you feel tight all the time, and you notice significant body comp changes your shit is real. At 75mg/day you should notice it quickly.

What lab is it?
If your endurance diminishes, you feel tight all the time, and you notice significant body comp changes your shit is real. At 75mg/day you should notice it quickly.

What lab is it?

It is a Profina mix from Medistar. Source is reputable, but I have read mixed reviews in regards to to quality of the products from the lab itself.
I got the sleeplessness, massive sweating, my hair thinned very quick, facial hair accelerated, and I had bad irritability. That started within the first week and half. I stopped taking it and continued with the test only and hair thickened right up after a week, no more sweats, sleep is way better, and still a bit irritable but much better I dont want to kill someone for looking at me wrong
I got the sleeplessness, massive sweating, my hair thinned very quick, facial hair accelerated, and I had bad irritability. That started within the first week and half. I stopped taking it and continued with the test only and hair thickened right up after a week, no more sweats, sleep is way better, and still a bit irritable but much better I dont want to kill someone for looking at me wrong

Not too bad! LOL
One thing I've notice, mostly everyone considering Tren, always says "man, I'm crazy normally, so I can imagine me on Tren." lol I would like to know of a naturally crazy mofuka that used Tren. Would like to hear his feedback. Cause I'm one of the naturally angered individual! So I think..
I do have crazy road-rage! That's pretty much my problem. I'm pretty calm actually. Dont like confrontations.
well Im pretty much a calm person too and dont like confrontations either but my road rage is pretty bad, hate those rubber neckers. But when I was on tren I would walk anywhere practically daring people not to move out of my way LOL better now that Im just on test lol