GW-501516 Super Info Thread

Keep us updated please! I'm very interested what 20mg is like. :)

Will do .. I'm running so many compounds right now though, it may be hard to tell or notice the sarm in a direct manner.
Running test, Dbol, NPP, deca, proviron, and primo and masteron is being added at week 9..

My cardio endurance is crap right now,, my strength and muscular endurance though is way up (NPP and Dbol fully kicked in).. I get out of breath very easy though right now.. Will see what 20mg of the gw-50 helps with
I have been running 30mg a day. 20mg just did not do much for me - though I am sure everyone is different. When I went from 20 to 30, though, the difference was stark. I could tell my cardio was improved. I went from dreading cardio to feeling it is not so bad. :)

As for the cancer risk:

Does GW50 Cause Cancer?
Yes, in both mice and rats it causes cancer. In humans? We do not know. The companies developing it failed safe and decided to just shelve the product altogether. Lawsuits would eat them alive even if their product was cleared in the end. Here is what the test study on mice says:

GW501516, a non-genotoxic PPAR agonist, was assessed for carcinogenic potential by daily administration (oral gavage) to CD1 mice for 104 weeks at doses of 0, 10, 30, 60 or 80 mg/kg/day. Survival was decreased at doses of 30 mg/kg/day.
Item 896 in

Other cancers were triggered at 10mg/kg/day. They claim "all doses" in the studies, but the only dose lower than 10mg/kg/day was no dose at all...and you cannot blame GW50 if mice and rats got cancer while NOT taking it. But let that dose amount sink in a bit. I weigh around 84kg, which means I would need to drink down 840mg a day to be at their LOWEST dose!!!! My god man, at that level I am not surprised it did not cause spontaneous combustion of the mice and rats!

Their lowest dose is 280 times HIGHER than the dose I am taking. No, I am not worried about any cancer risks from GW50. I am more worried about the Sun giving me cancer...
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Hi. Could someone tell me what the shelf live of GW is.

I bought some from samrsearch back in June 2015. Did one cycle and have it stored in a press at room temperature since.

I just want to make sure that its still good before I start another cycle.

Thanks in advance.
I have been running 30mg a day. 20mg just did not do much for me - though I am sure everyone is different. When I went from 20 to 30, though, the difference was stark. I could tell my cardio was improved. I went from dreading cardio to feeling it is not so bad. :)

As for the cancer risk:

Does GW50 Cause Cancer?
Yes, in both mice and rats it causes cancer. In humans? We do not know. The companies developing it failed safe and decided to just shelve the product altogether. Lawsuits would eat them alive even if their product was cleared in the end. Here is what the test study on mice says:

Item 896 in

Other cancers were triggered at 10mg/kg/day. They claim "all doses" in the studies, but the only dose lower than 10mg/kg/day was no dose at all...and you cannot blame GW50 if mice and rats got cancer while NOT taking it. But let that dose amount sink in a bit. I weigh around 84kg, which means I would need to drink down 840mg a day to be at their LOWEST dose!!!! My god man, at that level I am not surprised it did not cause spontaneous combustion of the mice and rats!

Their lowest dose is 280 times HIGHER than the dose I am taking. No, I am not worried about any cancer risks from GW50. I am more worried about the Sun giving me cancer...

made an account just to reply, typically I just surf with no account :)

There is some formula that you need to do to determine rat kg to human kg doses. its not as high ass 840mg but its well over 300mg/day that would be equal to the cancer issues, which is still an amount no one human would ever take.

I recently started taking gw1516 and do a total of 1 hour cardio (20km on a bike) and 1 hour of weights (5/days a week on a bowflex blaze).

I weigh 100kg and have 30% bf (according to a scale...visually, 90% of it is on my stomach). I want to either drop to 88kg or lose 10%bf, whichever comes first. I don't really have a time table.

Meal (I work a night shift)
1631 calories 109g protein 128g fat 23g carbs
B (945PM) - 4 eggs & 1 pork chop
Sn (230AM) - 1 colby cheese stick
L (815AM) - creatine coffee & 'soup' | creatine 5g & Taurine 1g
D (10AM) - 9oz chicken & 4 Tbps Ranch
1.5-2 gallons water a day (creatine and the gw1516 pretty much sap h2o from you)

1 TBsp Heavy Cream
3 TBsp butter
5oz stir fry veggies
2 TBsp olive oil
2 cups water

dosing scheme (30 minutes before workout):
10mg/day 01/01/2016 to 01/05/2016
20mg/day 01/06/2016 to when liquid runs out.
30mg/day (powdered pill, so it will not be quite at 30mg but it will be at least 25mg/day in effectiveness) TBD (20 days worth)

At 10mg/day, the very first dose, I noticed an increased stamina. I used to have trouble doing 20km on the bike but after that first dose I did 20km like it was nothing and didnt even feel winded. My first thought on gw1516 was that if it does nothing to use fat as fuel, i would definitely lose weight from the increased cardio. I feel like I have plenty of endurance on the bowflex as well.
At 20mg (2 days in), I feel a little sleepy but still have the increased stamina. I think the sleepiness is my body adjusting to the increased dose.

I'm not much on logs but if anyone here wants to know, I can write one up after I finish the pills of it.

Note: Im only using gw for a boost. once I run out, im not using it again.

hope this info was useful to someone
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I have been running 30mg a day. 20mg just did not do much for me - though I am sure everyone is different. When I went from 20 to 30, though, the difference was stark. I could tell my cardio was improved. I went from dreading cardio to feeling it is not so bad. :)

As for the cancer risk:

Does GW50 Cause Cancer?
Yes, in both mice and rats it causes cancer. In humans? We do not know. The companies developing it failed safe and decided to just shelve the product altogether. Lawsuits would eat them alive even if their product was cleared in the end. Here is what the test study on mice says:

Item 896 in

Other cancers were triggered at 10mg/kg/day. They claim "all doses" in the studies, but the only dose lower than 10mg/kg/day was no dose at all...and you cannot blame GW50 if mice and rats got cancer while NOT taking it. But let that dose amount sink in a bit. I weigh around 84kg, which means I would need to drink down 840mg a day to be at their LOWEST dose!!!! My god man, at that level I am not surprised it did not cause spontaneous combustion of the mice and rats!

Their lowest dose is 280 times HIGHER than the dose I am taking. No, I am not worried about any cancer risks from GW50. I am more worried about the Sun giving me cancer...

And then there's this study which disproves the cancer causing effect of GW in humans (interestingly enough, this one is dated in 2007 while the one above was published in 2009).

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-beta/delta (PPARbeta/delta) ligands do not potentiate growth of human cancer cell lines. - PubMed - NCBI
made an account just to reply, typically I just surf with no account :)

There is some formula that you need to do to determine rat kg to human kg doses. its not as high ass 840mg but its well over 300mg/day that would be equal to the cancer issues, which is still an amount no one human would ever take.

I recently started taking gw1516 and do a total of 1 hour cardio (20km on a bike) and 1 hour of weights (5/days a week on a bowflex blaze).

I weigh 100kg and have 30% bf (according to a scale...visually, 90% of it is on my stomach). I want to either drop to 88kg or lose 10%bf, whichever comes first. I don't really have a time table.

Meal (I work a night shift)
1631 calories 109g protein 128g fat 23g carbs
B (945PM) - 4 eggs & 1 pork chop
Sn (230AM) - 1 colby cheese stick
L (815AM) - creatine coffee & 'soup' | creatine 5g & Taurine 1g
D (10AM) - 9oz chicken & 4 Tbps Ranch
1.5-2 gallons water a day (creatine and the gw1516 pretty much sap h2o from you)

1 TBsp Heavy Cream
3 TBsp butter
5oz stir fry veggies
2 TBsp olive oil
2 cups water

dosing scheme (30 minutes before workout):
10mg/day 01/01/2016 to 01/05/2016
20mg/day 01/06/2016 to when liquid runs out.
30mg/day (powdered pill, so it will not be quite at 30mg but it will be at least 25mg/day in effectiveness) TBD (20 days worth)

At 10mg/day, the very first dose, I noticed an increased stamina. I used to have trouble doing 20km on the bike but after that first dose I did 20km like it was nothing and didnt even feel winded. My first thought on gw1516 was that if it does nothing to use fat as fuel, i would definitely lose weight from the increased cardio. I feel like I have plenty of endurance on the bowflex as well.
At 20mg (2 days in), I feel a little sleepy but still have the increased stamina. I think the sleepiness is my body adjusting to the increased dose.

I'm not much on logs but if anyone here wants to know, I can write one up after I finish the pills of it.

Note: Im only using gw for a boost. once I run out, im not using it again.

hope this info was useful to someone
Good stuff thanks for sharing and keep us posted!
Of course there is this study which proves prar's play a role in the proliferation of cancer cells.
The Role of PPARs in Cancer
I wouldnt touch the stuff honestly.

Funny - this study acknowledges the one I cited above and hypothesizes on possible causes for the different findings. They all conclude that more research is necessary :)
Has anyone seen more recent studies? These are all from almost a decade ago...
I have seen nothing new. I think the big difference in the studies comes from a lack of actual human trials.

I feel like the study in post #109 is pretty compelling and, well just speaking for myself, I dont think id want to take the chance taking any prar agonist, GW or sr9009. Then again thats easy for me to say now since I tried GW before on 2 diff occasions, with and without aicar, and didnt get a darn thing from it either time! lol