New member
I have ran s4 twice starting at 50, up to 75. The visual side is not as svere as people say.mjust annoying adjusting light from indoor to outdoor or vice versa.
OK Vic, just let me know when you need the GW. Thx.
Via Wiki: "In 2013 New Scientist reported that "tests on rats showed that at all doses, the drug rapidly causes cancers in a multitude of organs, including the liver, bladder, stomach, skin, thyroid, tongue, testes, ovaries and womb."[4] In 2013 WADA took the rare step of warning potential users of the compound of the possible health risks. They stated "clinical approval has not, and will not be given for this substance".[2][24]"
I have ran GW from Sarms Search was stoked on what results I had.
I ran it at 20mgs a day. Lost fat and my endurance doubled.
Has a good dosage been figured out yet?
I've been running 10mg a day,, I'm gonna bump it up to 20 mg a day now.. Will see if it adds to my muscular endurance in adding more reps more volume to my work outs