Today is day#8

body recomposition is starting to happen! Fuller and rounder muscles and increased endurance which is what I mainly wanted, also leaning out. Lost about 6lbs, keep in mind I have not changed my diet or exercise routine.

following your log brother, I'm doing osta as well, so you feel it on 8th day? I'm on my 3rd day, not much of a change but i feel my endurance up.
following your log brother, I'm doing osta as well, so you feel it on 8th day? I'm on my 3rd day, not much of a change but i feel my endurance up.

Yes I feel it but keep in mind my workouts are brutal and I take other supplements as well such as creatine, BCAAs, glutamine etc.
Following as well. I ordered Osta and the GW50.. Def trying to achieve those endurance goals. I run like a fat man but im 5' 10 205. I am definitely
Yes I feel it but keep in mind my workouts are brutal and I take other supplements as well such as creatine, BCAAs, glutamine etc.

I'm taking Just ostarine, nothing else as i want to see how much of a difference does it really make. good luck on ur goals bro, looking good!
25mg GW , 25mg Ostarine

Almost 3 weeks now and feeling great! I have lost about 9lbs and gained lean mass and strength. I would say the fat loss is attributed to the more efficient HIIT cardio sessions filed by the GW1516 and the lean gains by the Ostarine, no negative side effects to report so far and like I said I feel great and more energetic.
I attribute my extra cardio performance to GW50 as well. WADA has banned it, so it must be good. :)
Is it banned already? oh wow that sucks!

Alright guys is day #23 and I am completely sold on these Sarms, no they are not as potent as Trenbolone and other AAS but a lot safer plus the gains are pure lean muscle , I am referring to the ostarine. I am so tempted in adding some of sarmsearch's RAD-140 or LGD-4033 but I will wait and do a separate cycle for those.

My cardiovascular output has definitely improved and being able to do more intense cardio has helped me shed some body fat.

No negative side effects to report so far.

SO far so good.
Is it banned already? oh wow that sucks!

Alright guys is day #23 and I am completely sold on these Sarms, no they are not as potent as Trenbolone and other AAS but a lot safer plus the gains are pure lean muscle , I am referring to the ostarine. I am so tempted in adding some of sarmsearch's RAD-140 or LGD-4033 but I will wait and do a separate cycle for those.

My cardiovascular output has definitely improved and being able to do more intense cardio has helped me shed some body fat.

No negative side effects to report so far.

SO far so good.

nice log bro, glad you made good gains! keep it up
Is it banned already? oh wow that sucks!

Alright guys is day #23 and I am completely sold on these Sarms, no they are not as potent as Trenbolone and other AAS but a lot safer plus the gains are pure lean muscle , I am referring to the ostarine. I am so tempted in adding some of sarmsearch's RAD-140 or LGD-4033 but I will wait and do a separate cycle for those.

My cardiovascular output has definitely improved and being able to do more intense cardio has helped me shed some body fat.

No negative side effects to report so far.

SO far so good.

Yessir!!! That is what we like to here! Very Happy for man...keep up the good work!

My performance in the gym has definitely improved, body composition and reduced body fat. Now , this does not feel like being on AAS but is a damn good alternative to it and for those who are thinking of using gear take it from me for whats worth..dont do it! It will eventually cause some kind of damage to you, it did to me and I almost died!

You can make solid lean gains using SARMS without water and fat gain and increasing your blood pressure, getting acne and other negative side effects.

My performance in the gym has definitely improved, body composition and reduced body fat. Now , this does not feel like being on AAS but is a damn good alternative to it and for those who are thinking of using gear take it from me for whats worth..dont do it! It will eventually cause some kind of damage to you, it did to me and I almost died!

You can make solid lean gains using SARMS without water and fat gain and increasing your blood pressure, getting acne and other negative side effects.

Thanks for continuing to provide us all with your progress!
Thanks for continuing to provide us all with your progress!

You are welcome!

Today is week#4 and I am pleased with the results so far. I am able to push more weight without hurting my joints and I am able to double up my cardio! I feel good, strong, more agile and looking leaner. I started at 200Lbs and I am not 207lbs and looking leaner, my pants went down about a size. The body recomp from the Ostarine is real as well as the improved cardiovascular output by the GW1516.

I will continue another 4 weeks. My diet still the same, same supplements and routine.

You are welcome!

Today is week#4 and I am pleased with the results so far. I am able to push more weight without hurting my joints and I am able to double up my cardio! I feel good, strong, more agile and looking leaner. I started at 200Lbs and I am not 207lbs and looking leaner, my pants went down about a size. The body recomp from the Ostarine is real as well as the improved cardiovascular output by the GW1516.

I will continue another 4 weeks. My diet still the same, same supplements and routine.


AWESOME BRO! That's the kind of stuff we love to hear! Keep up the great work!
Day# 40

All is well and I feel very good, body recomp has been satisfying and i have definitely lost more body fat than I would normally without the GW and ostarine. My strength is up as well as my aerobic endurance and it does not feel like the effects are diminishing at all. I will know for sure by the end of this month when I finish my 2 month OstariNe GW1516 cycle

Well is day#52 and I am almost done with my OstariNe/GW1516 cycle and I must say I am very pleased with it. I have gained almost 8lbs and lost about 4% body fat total, my body recomposition definitely improved, my joints feel good and strong and my cardio performance has definitely improved. I have no negative side effects to report as of yet and quite honestly I do not think there will be any. My libido has not been affected nor do I have any water retention, mood changes or acne...I do feel very healthy. I am thinking of doing some blood work after this 2 month cycle but I will still continue to take my usual supplements and including some DAA 3 grams per day.
Great log man. I really appreciate the information. It helps.
Ive been interested in giving sarmsearch a shot. Ive tried Ostarine and Cardarine from other sources. The Ostarine was good and I felt great on it but they are no longer in business. The Cardarine I had was ok. I ran it at 10mg a day and wish I had done 20. Regardless, Ive been wanting to try Ostarine, Cardarine and S4. Cant wait.