Gyne question


New member
Looks like a got minor gyne from taking propecia. I took it for 22 months, but noticed the gyne in the 21st month and stopped...I always kinda had a bad chest so i'm not exactly when the gyne had started (saw it getting worse in 21st month)...Its been a month and a half since I stopped and the gyne seems to be the same...

Anyway, my question is...would you expect to see the gyne regress immediatley? If not, at what month would you expect to notice SOME improvement? the way, i just started using yohimburn DF to try to burn off the estorgen induced fat - I think that should help.
Nope said: the way, i just started using yohimburn DF to try to burn off the estorgen induced fat - I think that should help.

If you've got a lump, it ain't gonna help. What you will need is something to get rid of that lump. There have been several people who have said they were able to get rid of the lump, but it took measures of reducing estrogen to taking some Winstrol (winny) with letro for a few weeks.

I think lion did that and it worked for him.