Gyno a year after last ph, want to do another.


New member
Please guys, I know what I'm about to say will make me look dumb but I can't help what I did. Last year when I was 18 I looked into my first ph and I somehow picked... Megaplexx, yep. Anyways I ran one bottle and then a good post cycle therapy (pct) and I was fine. Two months later I started my second bottle and I ended up stopping it mid bottle and DID NOT take a post cycle therapy (pct) like a moron. About a month after that I got the wonderful gyno. Its not a lump behind the nipple, or any kind of lump for that matter. Its more of just fatty tissue around the whole nipple area and down to bottom of pec. It is almost completely unnoticeable unless I pic my arms up as to do a ab flex. I went to the doc and all my lipid, test ect levels are normal but he says that I shouldn't run another ph due to the fact that it might enlarge or irritate my gyno. I asked him if I should use the clomid I bought for the cycle I planned to take to try and help it out and he said it could make my hormones swing now that its been a year with nothing in my body. The gyno hasn't gotten worse nor better other than not being as sensitive as it was last year. So, is this the gyno that is gotten from ph's or no? I will add that where the gyno is, I always had fat there around the nipples even well before I took any phs and then it suddenly turned into the fatty tissue it is now after a month off of cycle. Doc told me that if I work out properly hormone free it "could" go away but if I bulk theres a chance any muscle gain would push it out and that if I cut, it could stick out more. So... WTF do I do?
Hey bro...yes it sucks! But it is what it is and now you need help dealing with it, so if you would first read this post:

Understanding Gynecomastia. Gyno Cure , Estrogens Side Effects, preventing gyno.

This brother needtogetaas is whom I refer to as the Iron Angel, he will help you out with this problem...but go ahead and read this first...educate yourself. You can get rid of it and keep it from reoccurring.
Thanks bro, Im going to try out that forma stanzol and see what happens.
Thanks bro, Im going to try out that forma stanzol and see what happens.

I would also recommend HCGenerate @ 5 caps ED (3 morn/2 bed)...if you are looking into removing it PM me and I can steer you in the right direction.

HCGenerate at NTBM is currently out of stock but should be back soon...I will keep you posted.
I would also recommend HCGenerate @ 5 caps ED (3 morn/2 bed)...if you are looking into removing it PM me and I can steer you in the right direction.

HCGenerate at NTBM is currently out of stock but should be back soon...I will keep you posted.

What exactly is in HCGenerate that would make it good to reduce gyno, I can't send pms still for some reason.
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Hey bro...yes it sucks! But it is what it is and now you need help dealing with it, so if you would first read this post:

Understanding Gynecomastia. Gyno Cure , Estrogens Side Effects, preventing gyno.

This brother needtogetaas is whom I refer to as the Iron Angel, he will help you out with this problem...but go ahead and read this first...educate yourself. You can get rid of it and keep it from reoccurring.

Great invaluable information man... Much credit to you.