Gyno Battle on Cycle. Not winning.


New member
Alright boys, here goes:

Developed Gyno and was Running:

Test E 600mg
Tren Ace: 350mg
Adex: .5 mg eod

Had bloodwork done, E2 was in range, didn't check prolactin. Knowing that prolactin mostly manifests itself with high E2, I decided to make some changes to my cycle.

To combat Gyno, and continue the cycle I changed my dosages.

Test E 300mg (dropped by 300mg)
Tren Ace 500mg (bumped it up)
Adex .5 eod
Prami: .5 ed
Nolva: 20mg daily. Just recently moved up to 40mg.

Gyno still sore and possibly growing.

20mg Nolva has always worked for me, but not now. Help me out brothers. Is there something i'm missing?

FYI: scheduling a new round of bloods today.
I was at 300 test and still had flare. I dropes to 150 and flare is gone. Mast p is doing all the work for me. Its just the way i have to cycle. I know dropping to 150 doesnt seem apetizing, but its an option that worked for me. Let your tren be the workhorse here.
I was at 300 test and still had flare. I dropes to 150 and flare is gone. Mast p is doing all the work for me. Its just the way i have to cycle. I know dropping to 150 doesnt seem apetizing, but its an option that worked for me. Let your tren be the workhorse here.

Yeah, that was the thought behind dropping the test and upping the tren.

I've ran 800mg test, and nolva 20mg kept all gyno at bay. Just wondering why in the hell I can't control it now.
Yea man i dunno. Even when my e2 is in normal range controlled by an ai AND while running nolva ed i still get flare unless im at 150test. I cant complain, 150 test 400mast i feel great and and making good gains. Up from 220 to 235 so far and leaned out a bit.
Clman, what's your mast P dose? You run an AI with 150 test, or let the mast do the work?

I blast and cruise, and will coming down to earth for a month or two (depending on bloodwork), and i'm interested in incorporating mast in my next run.
400 mast. Eveyone says 600 or more for mast p, but i am making good gains. I dropped my ai now that im at 150. I was running adex .5 eod while at 300 test.
Lower your test as low as it takes I've used 125mgs ew. Up your mast as much as you can afford, RUI letro I recommend it. You can even come off test completely 3 weeks and use test p so you can really figure out your dose, it's a hassle just gotta do whatever it takes to not get gyno.
Just because you think your E2 is I order is not a good reason to stop your AI. The AI will assure you to have a consistent balance (as long as not crashing) and it is not just for Gyno.

I have had my Gyno problems but I also have had sore nipples without the building of female fatty tissue and any lumps.

FOR ME, when "I" get sore nipples it tells me my gear is Quality, dosed correctly and it is working. For me it is not a problem. I pay close attention to my Gyno status as well as all the other Estrogen promoted problems.
At 150mg my e2 is in range. According to the all powerful bloodwork lab report. Therefore. . No a.i. needed.
I developed a lump behind my nipple on my last cycle. I upped my adex and did the usual course of nolva. Lump never went away.

My assumption is it is gyno and the AI & SERM just had no effect. My second assumption it is a cyst or a fibroadenoma. Why is that my 2nd assumption? Cause I googled lump behind nipple and read way to much.

But if it is gyno I am now on another blast and using aromasin ED and the lump has remained the same size. I was considering adding Nolva but feel its just not gonna work. If your like me you probably touch it everyday and make it sore by flexing and pushing on the lump to determine if its growing..
I try not to touch it too much. When I pick my kid up and hold her, I feel a sting sometimes. That is a common reminder for me.

I do have a dime sized lump on the right, and a tiny one on the left. In a month, i'll be dropping down to about 150mg test for a month or two. I'm thinking I might hit it with some Ralox then.

Or should I start now?
Lower your test as low as it takes I've used 125mgs ew. Up your mast as much as you can afford, RUI letro I recommend it. You can even come off test completely 3 weeks and use test p so you can really figure out your dose, it's a hassle just gotta do whatever it takes to not get gyno.

Crazy thing is, I've never had a problem with gyno as long as I used Nolva. Added Tren and POW.

I've got blood scheduled for 8am tomorrow. Hormone female panel, with prolactin.
Crazy thing is, I've never had a problem with gyno as long as I used Nolva. Added Tren and POW.

I've got blood scheduled for 8am tomorrow. Hormone female panel, with prolactin.

Do you know what your putting in your body? I went through at least 20 shitty sources until I struck gold tren should not have that effect
Do you know what your putting in your body? I went through at least 20 shitty sources until I struck gold tren should not have that effect

Popular Trusted Sources. All the common Tren sides are present, including huge gains.
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First thing I do if I get sore nips is stop test immediately, your not gonna die or lose gains by missing 2-3 weeks. Its like a start over for me ok my estro got fucked up let me stop injecting what is giving me problems. Once I kill off estro lose water retention sore nips ect... then I reintroduce test at a much lower dose. Just my strategy no science behind it but I've never let gyno develop doing this.