Gyno from Prohormones


New member
Hey guys I did a weak 8 week cycle of prohormones and around the 6th week I got a sore lump behind my left nipple. I just finished this cycle and the lump seems to be shrinking. I know ya'll will think I am a pussy for choosing prohormones over steroids but I just wanted to try something really mild before I take it to the next level.

What I did was:
250mg of 19-Nor 2x per day(breakfast & dinner)
500mg of 4-diol once a day(4:15 before workout)
buddy6 said:
Hey guys I did a weak 8 week cycle of prohormones and around the 6th week I got a sore lump behind my left nipple. I just finished this cycle and the lump seems to be shrinking. I know ya'll will think I am a pussy for choosing prohormones over steroids but I just wanted to try something really mild before I take it to the next level.

What I did was:
250mg of 19-Nor 2x per day(breakfast & dinner)
500mg of 4-diol once a day(4:15 before workout)

I think your a brave man for doing prohormones, however I think you sound like you didn't do your homework on what you were taking, the possible side effect of those drugs and then the post cycle therapy (pct).

You may want to do a search for anti-E drugs or simply post cycle therapy (pct). 6 oxo, clomid and nolvadex should have been on your counter ready to go once your nipple started to tingle.

Lastly you really need to know more, read more and research more and get all your cycle and post cycle therapy (pct) cycle pills together before you take some real juice and end up with a nice full C-Cup.
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If you S T O P taking hormone based products, sides will gradually subset.
8 weeks was perhaps too long...
i wouldn't go past 4 weeks even after having been very educated about it.
Having anti estrogens handy is ok, but what must be done is avoiding such sides ( if that's REALLY gyno because many people talk about it these days but a live MD's opinion is needed )...
Popping a nolva pill while gyno arises is not a quick fix.
Drop the idea.
If you think about Ronnie & Dorian kind of cycles, well think about Flex, Momo Benaziza & others whose guts went down the drain....AND THEY WERE PROFESSIONALS WITH ALL MEDICAL SUPERVISION I CAN THINK OF.
Drop it.
Or find yourself a bribed steroid doc who knows his stuff & go real.